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Brie's POV

We head home. Cam and I sit on the couch and talk about the names.

"Hayden Tyler and Trystan Allen?" Cam says.

"What about Mason Lee and Trystan Allen?"

"I love it babe!"

"So it's going to be Trystan and Mason, Partners in crime?" I say.


I text my family saying the names of the babies.

They say "awe cute names."

We cuddle on the couch for the rest of the night.

•May 6th at 10:15 pm•

I wake up to a wet bed. Did I wet the bed? My stomach starts hurting and I wake up Cameron.

I say "Cameron wake up."

"What's wrong babe?"

"My water broke."

"OH GOSH! Um... What do I need to do?"

"Pack me some clothes and my essentials. Then drive me to the hospital."

"Okay. When we get there call the family."

"Yea or start the calls now."

"Can you call your mom and dad and tell them to go to the hospital?"

"Yea babe."

"Hey mom we are on our way to the hospital. Tell everyone and get to the hospital."

"Okay honey we will be there soon."

"Bye mom love you."

[edited 5-27-15 8:56 pm]

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