•E I G H T E E N•

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Brie's POV

I get up and run to the bathroom to throw up. Cam rushes behind me and holds my hair. I have been throwing up lately and I know exactly why.

I'm pregnant.

I send Cameron to CVS to get 3 tests. He comes back 5 minutes later and gives me the tests. I pee on them and wait. The time is up so Cam and I go check them. All three POSITIVE. I kiss Cam passionately.

"We're having another kid." I say in his ear.

"I know babe."

We are supposed to go shopping today with everyone so we will announce it when everybody is catching up.

I am going to get the boys ready and eating. Then once Cam gets ready he will take over so I can get ready. We have worked things out.

Cam gets done rather fast and I get ready. I put on an grey paradise tank top with some white shorts with some grey vans. I put on mascara and then my Alex and Ani bracelets. I straighten my hair. I grab my purse and phone then walk downstairs.

Cam is playing with the boys and I grab the diaper bag and say "I am ready Cam."


He grabs Trystan and I grab Mason and go to the car. I put on Mason and he puts in Trystan. I let Cam drive and I just relax.

10 minutes later we arrive at the mall. We wait on everybody to get here. We pull into the back and so we have multiple spots open for them. They soon all get here and we go into the mall together. We get out and hug everyone.

Taylor says "How are my little boys doing?"

"They are doing great."

Taylor pulls out 2 bandanas.... A green one and a blue one. The blue one goes on Mason and the green on Trystan.

I start to pull out the stroller but Cam takes it from me and pulls it out. "No heavy lifting babe." He whispers in my ear. He puts it up and I sit the boys in it.

We go in the mall and get Panda Express. We start eating and everybody is updating me. I see a few new faces. Aaron introduces us to Kate which is his girlfriend and they have been dating for 2 years. "Aaron why didn't you tell us." I say.

"Personal info Brie."

"Oh whatever."

I finish eating and feed the boys. Shawn introduces us to Lucy. They have been dating for 6 months.

Jack J introduces us to Jordan. They have been dating for 8 months.

Jack G introduces us to Rachael. They have been dating for 11 months. Again I don't get why they don't tell anyone.

Callie and Nash have been dating for 7 months.

And of course Lauren and Hayes.

Carter and Taylor are still single. Poor guys.

I make the announcement. "Well hello everyone I am Brie and Cameron and I are married and have two beautiful baby boys Trystan and Mason plus one." and I point to my stomach. Taylor jumps up and says "Everyone move and let me see." I laugh and I feel the baby kick. "Taylor!" He turns around and runs up to me and places his hand on my stomach. He feels the kick and he says "Hey little guy it's your uncle Taylor." Cam runs to feel and soon there is a line. We go shopping and I go to American Eagle and get some shirts and shorts. Then we go to Delia's and I get more shirts and some pants. I stay with Cam and the guys.

We finish and say bye to everyone. We leave and I get my suitcases out. I have one big one and a small one. I put my clothes in the big one and shoes in the other one. I get a smaller one for the boys clothes. I put the diaper bag out and a small book bag for us. Those were our carry ons.

•skip to plane•

We are boarding our plane and the plane has 4 seats on the sides and 3 in the middle. I put Mason at the window and then Cam and I and then Trystan. The boys are sleeping and cam and I are sorta cuddling. I fall asleep on Cams shoulder.

•skip to hotel•

We get into the hotel and the rooms are...

•{Hayes and Lauren FLOOR 12 ROOM 120

Taylor, Carter, Shawn and Lucy FLOOR 12 ROOM 121

Callie and Nash and Aaron and Kate FLOOR 12 ROOM 122

Jack J and Jordan and Jack G and Rachael FLOOR 12 ROOM 123

Cam and Brie Trystan and Mason FLOOR 12 ROOM 124}•

All of us except Hayes and Lauren go out. Oh well.

Lauren's POV

We stay in because Hayes has a surprise for me.

Hayes comes up and sits on the bed next to me. He kisses me passionately. He pushes me backwards not breaking the kiss. He starts kissing my neck and sucks on my collar bone. I let out a small moan. I take off his shirt and rub my hands over his abs. He lets out a moan and then he takes my shirt off. I take his shorts off and he takes mine off leaving me in my bra and panties, him in his boxers. "Do you wanna do this?" He asks. I nod my head yes. I take his boxers off and puts on a condom. He takes off my bra and panties. He says "if you want me to stop let me know." "Okay." He puts it in me. Once he gets it all the way in he starts thrusting in and out. I let out a moan. He keeps going until I say "Hayes I'm gonna cum!!!" "Me too babe." I let it out and he lets it out in me. It felt so good. We cuddle for the rest of the night.

•If you ever need anything my kik is mackenzie_grace_todd or you can message me.•

[edited 5-27-15 9:17 pm]

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