•N I N E T E E N•

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Brie's POV

Today is the show and meet and greet. I am kinda scared about the boys and Cameron. The fans... I know they are going to wanna hold the boys and well I just don't want them to drop them. And Cameron... The fans are all going to be all over him.

Oh well.

We get to the stage and they call us out. I put the boys near mahogany because I knew we were going to have to dance and all that so yea.

Question: Lauren is it true that you went all over the world to swim?

Answer: Yes it is.

Question: Brie are you happy to be here with the twins?

Answer: Yea but the only thing I am worried about is fans dropping them.

Question: Can you do the wop?

Answer: Yes we can.

We demonstrate and the crowd cheers.

Then we do the lipgloss dance, dougie, and nae nae.

Shawn sings and then we go for the meet and greet. We were last so it took a while for fans to get here.

The first fan doesn't really hold the boys they just tickle them.

Halfway through the meet and greet I glance over to Taylor and Carter's booth thing. I see Taylor flirting with a girl.

•skip to after meet and greet•

Nobody dropped the boys so I was happy. I texted Taylor.

(me, taylor)

Hey I saw you with that girl earlier.

Yeah what about her?

You like her she likes you. You would be perfect for her. Please tell me you got her name and number?

Yeah. Her name is Greer Bethany and I don't want to give her number to you.

Good. She sounded very sweet when she came to us. She even offered to help with the boys. I took her help but then she had to leave.

Yeah. I am going to text her in a few minutes.

Okay. Bye.


Taylor's POV

I asked Greer on a date tonight. She said yea. So I am getting ready. I dress in a red and white plaid shirt with khaki shorts and some red vans. I put on a red bandana.

Greer's POV

I really like Taylor. I am very excited that he asked me out on a date.

I ask him what he is wearing and he says a red plaid shirt with khaki shorts with red vans and bandana.

I don't have a red plaid shirt so I wear my aqua blue one with my tan shorts, aqua blue/green vans and my aqua bandana.

I hear a knock on the door. I grab my phone and purse and run down the stairs to open it. It was Taylor looking good as always.

He says "Wow. you look hot."

I blush and say "Looking good yourself."

He takes me to a resturant. Its called "Ricardo's". Its very nice. While we were eating he says "Um Greer I was wondering if you would go out with me?"

"Yes Taylor. I would love to."

We finish eating and I let him pay. I was going to but of course he won the argument.

He says "Do you wanna go back to the hotel and hang out? You can stay if you want."

"I would love to."

Taylor's POV

She goes back with me and hangs out. When she is tired we go back to my room to lay down. We cuddle and she falls asleep in my arms.

•{I really don't know of there is a Ricardo's I just made that up. Who likes Greer? I do.}•

[edited 5-27-15 9:21 pm]

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