•F O U R T E E N•

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Brie's POV

I am so happy for Lauren. She deserves it.

I get home and see a few cars in the yard. What in the world?

I unlock the door and go in. The twins are upstairs crying.

"Cameron what the hell?" I say.

"The girls have the boys."

"Well they are screaming there heads off!"

"Guys will you please leave so I can talk to Brie?" Cam says.

"Yea. See you later bro." Nash says.

"Brie, what's wrong?"

"When I said a few friends WITH the boys I meant like 2 not 10. Plus I wanted YOU to care for the boys. I wanted you to show me that I could trust you having friends and the boys."

"Babe I am so sorry. I really am."

"Cameron it's going to take a lot for me to trust you again."

"Babe I am ready for anything. What do I do to start?"

"Go get the boys and feed them, bathe them and change them, then come downstairs and rock them to sleep. I will help in some of those. Others I will watch."

"Okay. I am ready for this."

I watch as Cameron leaves and goes upstairs. I know he can change them, but I want to watch the boys' first bath at home. I go upstairs and watch. Cam is so gentle with them it's so cute.

Once Trystan gets out of the bath, I put on his diaper. I take him and warm his bottle and the sit in the recliner and rock him while he eats.

Cam comes down with Mason and warms the bottle and then sits on the couch and feeds him.

They end up falling asleep so we go upstairs and lay them down.

We go lay down in our room.

"So what did you and Lauren do today?"

"Really nothing. She told me she has a crush on Hayes and so I made Hayes come with us and Hayes asked her out and I figured that Hayes would be safe and so yea I went shopping and left."



"Wanna know something?"


"I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once."

"Aww babe. Stop!"

We kiss and it turns out into a heated make out session.

He pulls me into his lap. His hand slides under my shirt and he slides his hands up and down my sides. We continue and he starts kissing my neck and goes down to my collar bone. He stops and sucks lightly. I let out a moan.

The boys start crying so we stop and we get up and hold the boys. I get Mason and he gets Trystan. We hold the boys and rock them back to sleep.

Hayes POV

"Nash stop now!" I say.

"Hayes likes Lauren, Hayes likes Lauren!"


"Fine then. Bye!"

"Bye Nash!" Lauren says.

"Hey babe?"


"Wanna cuddle?"


We cuddle on the couch and we watch Pitch Perfect. Halfway into the movie, I see Lauren falling asleep. I lean down and kiss her forehead and say "goodnight beautiful!"

[edited 5-27-15 9:06 pm]

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