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Cam's POV

I can't even believe that I am going to be a father.


We have a crib and all that stuff. Right now we are at the doctors seeing what gender the baby is. I hope it's a girl but I really don't care. We could have triplets and I wouldn't care. I love kids so much.

Brie's POV

I am really excited to see the gender. Cam has been really supportive with all the crap I give him. I love him so much.

The doctor comes in and does and ultrasound. We look at the screen and see them. The doctor says "You are having twins and they are both boys."

"Yay now we have to get one more or everything."

"I am okay with that as long as I have you."

"Awe babe." I say.

"Now how are we telling your parents?"

"Oh gosh. Um I really don't know."

"We should all go out to eat like both our families and announce it." He says.

"Yea that's great. When and where?"

"I say tonight at hibachi."

"That's great babe." I say.

We call everybody and tell them. They said they would be there tonight.

I am getting ready and I am excited. I can't wait for tonight.

We are at the hibachi place. We finish ordering and I say "Cameron its time."

We stand up and say "We have an announcement to make."

I say "I am pregnant." And Cameron says "With twin boys."

"OH MY GAWSH! When are you due?"

"I am due May 7th."

"Wait what?" My sister said.

"I am due May 7th."

"That's our birthday."

"I know dummy." I say.

We talk and then I say that our baby shower is 4 weeks away.

"Do you know the names yet?"

"No. Not yet but we are talking about them."

[edited 5-27-15 8:54 pm]

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