•F O U R•

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Hayes POV

I mean I guess I have never really thought about that. I mean I hang out with her a lot and she is to old for me to date so I mean yes. I was kinda born into Cameron's family because of Nash. When Brie came along they were really good friends. I am going to answer this as honest as possible.

"I really think of you as a inspiration. You are my big sister and my role model. When I came along you were 3. I didn't know any better so you were my sister. Then you and Cameron became best friends and then Nash and Taylor and then me and everybody else. I just look up to you because you taught me to forget the haters and to smile like there is no tomorrow. I admire that about you. You keep your head up even when people call you names, and that honestly shows you are strong."

I look up and see she has tears in her eyes.

She says "Aww, hassss I love you!"

"Its the truth. I speak only the truff."

She laughed and we continued playing.

I ask "Cameron what do you see in Brie?"

He says "Everything about her is perfect. The way she smiles and her laugh. Her body and characteristics. Her bravery... but most importantly our friendship."

She smiles and gives him a kiss.

He wispers something in her ear and she nods.

Camerons's POV

I wisper if she wants to tell the boys about earlier. Her confessions.

She nods and I say "Truth or dare Brie?"


"Tell us a confessions."

"Okay, um, well before I moved here my mom and dad were barely home. They were always at work or out. So really I just had my brother. But really he was busy with school or hanging out with his friends. So it really was only me. I learned how to cook by fifth grade. At times I would get so depressed because I never had any friends. I was called really mean names that I personally think should not be said by fifth graders. It go so bad I took a blade from my my pencil sharpener and I just started cutting. And it really didn't help that I had real bad anxiety back then. I cut my arms and wrist. I cut my thighs and some of my stomach." By this time she was pouring tears. "Then one day I was cutting but I forgot to close my door and so my brother walked in and saw me and called my mom and dad. They took me to the hostpital and then my mom got mad at me. She made me get them and flush them, and honestly that was the best thing that ever happened. She then got the job over here and we moved. It was a good change but once again I was the new kid. I thought I would be picked on but the first person I met was Cameron. He was so nice. I never told anyone about this because they would pick on me or not believe me. They thought I had the best life. Truth is I didn't. I got put in cheer and tumbling to keep my mind off of things."

I look at her and wipe her tears. She buries her head into my chest and I just rub the back of her head and her back.

Taylor comes and comforts her too. We all end up in a big group hug.

Brie's POV

We pull away and Cameron gets a phone call. He answers it and walks outside so he can hear. We are loud most of the time. He comes back and says he has news. Right now I am really scared.

Cam says "We got an offer to go to magcon. All the guys and I can bring a guest and I chose Brie."

I jump up and hug him. I wrap my arms around his neck and I wrap my legs around him. He supports me. I give him a kiss. I hop down and I give all the boys hugs too. I call my mom and tell her to put me on speaker so I can talk to my mom and dad.

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