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Brie's POV

Cam wakes me up.

"Cam, is it important?"

"Yes, babe it is."

I get up and go downstairs. When I get downstairs I see my lifelong bff Lauren. She has been traveling the world for swim meets. I run up to her and hug her. Her long curly brown hair was in a messy bun. She had a green flannel and white shorts with tan sandals. She was so pretty.

"Oh my gosh Lauren you have grown so much."

"You have too. I have heard that you have babies."

"Yea. We just took them home today. They are twin boys. Mason and Trystan."

"Where are they?"

"Upstairs sleeping. So far they are angels."

"Thats good! We need to catch up."

"Yes! Let me ask Cameron if we can today."

"Hey Cam!" I say.

"Yea babe?"

"Can you watch the boys while Lauren and I catch up?"

"Yeah. No problem. You need some time out. But do you mind if some of the guys come over?"

"I don't care as long as the boys are fine and nothing is broken when I get back."

"I promise they will be fine."

We get in my tahoe.

"Where to?" I ask.



"So you and Cam are married and have 2 boys?"

"Yep. What about you? Are you dating anyone?"

"I am still single."

"Do you have a crush on someone?"

"Umm... I do. Its Hayes."

"Oh my gosh. He talked about you all the time after you left. He was so upset. Y'all would be so cute together."


"Talk to him. Have you seen him yet?"


"I am calling him to meet me at the mall."

"What Brie no!"

"Yea now be quiet."

Hayes, Brie


Hey Hayes its Brie. I was wondering if you wanna go to the mall with me?

Uh sure. Let me get my keys and a snack and I will be there.

We are eating at Panda Express so..

I am still eating.

Okay Hayes just hurry.

Okay. See you in a few.


We pull into the parking lot and find a park. It wasn't busy. Wow, that's unusual. We go into the mall and get in line for Panda Express. I get sweet and sour chicken with noodles and a egg roll. Lauren gets sesame chicken with noodles and an egg roll. Hayes walks in and sees us.

He runs to Lauren and says "Lauren. Oh my gosh."


"Lauren I meant to ask you this before you left but will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Hayes Yes."

"Hey you two lovebirds. I am going to eat and then go shopping. Hayes do you mind bringing Lauren home?"

"Thats fine." Hayes says.

[edited 5-27-15 9:01 pm]

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