•T H R E E•

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Brie's POV

We eat at Taco Bell and of course there is a mess. I can't go anywhere with them. Nash decides he wants to play steal other peoples food. Thats not happening with Hayes. Hayes smacks Nash and then steals his taco bowl thing. So they kept on going till it went in the air and made a mess on the floor.

"Hayes what the hell?" Nash says.

"You were stealing my food."

"Whatever. Now what am I going to eat?" Nash says.

"I will buy you some more." I say.


I go up to the cashier and order. He gets 2 bean buritos because he ate most of the food on his old plate. I ask for a mop and broom to clean it up. The lady gives it to me and I go back to the table. I start sweeping up the mess and Cam comes and takes it from me.

"Cam, I got this." I said getting a little annoyed.

"No, I will get it." He says harshly.

"You payed for our food. The least I can do is clean it up." I say and try to take the broom away from him.

He doesn't give it to me. Instead he just sweeps.

"CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS give me the broom!" I say madly.

"No you go sit your ass down and eat." he says.

"Ugh I hate you." I say.

"No you don't." he says back smirking.

Cameron drives us home. He turns on the music and choses to play Boom Clap by Charli XCX. We jam out to it. We pull into my driveway and I open the garage to park.

"do you wanna stay with us?" cam asks.

"let me see."


I get out and go ask.

"mom can I go stay with Cam tonight."

"I don't care as long as there aren't any babies on the way."

"mom you know me and Cameron wouldn't do that. we aren't even dating."

she shrugs.

I go upstairs and get my clothes and toothbrush and all that. I go downstairs to say bye. I get my penny board and get in the car. We drop the stuff off at Cameron's house. He says "I has a surprise."

I say "okay?" I am kinda scared.

He says "Put on a swimsuit and get in my car."

He has a black esclade. It used to be his parents because they had a lot of kids to bring around.

I do as he says. I get in his car. He comes out with a basket and a blanket. I am wondering where we are going.

He gets in the car and we talk.

I say "Where are we going?"

He says "It's a surprise."

"Okay." I say with a sigh.

We are in the car for about 10 minutes.

We stop and I look around. He gives me a bandana and says "Put this on."

I don't refuse, I just say "If I fall I will kill you."

He says "Your not going to fall."

We go and I step in sand. I listen closely and I hear waves. We are at the beach.

He guides me to this place and takes the bandana off of me. I look at everything.

He has a rose pedal trail and a candles lit. Someone comes behind me and says "Guess who?"

He takes his hands away and I turn to look at the person. It was Taylor.

"Oh my fricken gosh! It's Taylor! Oh my gosh." I started screaming.

I gave him a big hug.

"Guess who did this while Cameron was with you?" he says.

"Ummm lemme think.... you?"

"Ding ding ding we have a winner." he says.

I laugh and he says "I am going back to Cam's see you there."

"Bye" I say.

Cameron gives me a hug and leans in for a kiss. I kiss him and we sit down on the blanket he brought. We have a midnight snack. Its watermelon and strawberrys. Which are 2 of my favorite things.

"Cameron you didn't have to do this." I say.

"Anything for you. Babe, I love you. I always have. Honestly, I have liked you since 6th grade."

"Cameron, I have liked you since 5th grade. And to be completely honest I thought you just wanted to be friends. You were my first friend and one thing you don't know about me is that I used to cut. Before my sisters were born it was chaos. My parents were never home and my brother was always busy with school or with his friends. I used to get so stressed that I found a sharpener and took the blades out. Then I cut. I tried to stop but I couln't. Nobody knew until my brother found me about to cut again. He called my mom and they put me in the hostpital. They took all my blades and made me flush them. I did. I haven't cut since and they have put me in things that keep my mind off of things. They are also home a lot more."

"Brie, I am so sorry. I never knew."

"Its not your fault. I also have real bad anxiety. It is really hard to keep calm in competitions because I am just thinking about me messing up. I have kinda grew out of it."

"I feel a lot better knowing your mine and nothing will ever change that. "

I kiss his nose and say, "Cameron I am glad you are mine. I love you!"

"I love you too."

He leans in and we kiss.

We pack up and head back to Cameron's house. We go inside and go to the game room where the boys were. They were playing a game.

I said "Hey guys, do you wanna play truth or dare?"

"Yass" they said.

"Okay" I say.

We sit in a circle and I sit imbetween Cam and Taylor. And of course there is a fight imbetween Taylor and Hayes to see who sits next to me. Taylor wins and Hayes sits next to Taylor and Nash.

I start and say "Taylor, Truth or dare?"

Of course him being him he says "Dare!"

"Okay, I dare you to sit on Hayes for the rest of the game."

"Okay." He let out a sigh.

Then Taylor asks me "truth or dare?"

I say "Umm dare."

He says "I dare you to have a make out session with Cameron."

"Okay, I guess."

I turn to Cameron and start kissing him. He swipes my bottom lip and asks for entrance. I grant it but we fight over who goes in. He wins and he explores my mouth. I let out a moan.

Taylor then says "You two can stop now."

We slowly pull away.

I say "Hayes truth or dare?"

He says "Truth."

"Do you consider me to be your older sister?"

[edited 5-21-15 5:20 pm]

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