•T W E N T Y•

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Cameron's POV

We wake up to go to another meet and greet. I wake up Brie by kissing her lips. She flutters her eyes open and kisses me back. I get up and get dressed. I brush my teeth and then comb my hair. I am wearing my Cameron shirt and some shorts. I put my Magcon sweatshirt on. Brie puts on her Dallas shirt and a Magcon hoodie with Dallas on the back. She brushes her teeth and straightens her hair and then puts on mascara.

We get the boys ready with their Dallas onesie. It is so cute. I grab my phone and the diaper bag. She grabs her phone the stroller and puts the boys car seat in the stroller.

We walk out the room and meet with everyone else. Taylor has a girl with him. I think her name is Greer. I say hi to everyone and we move out to the limo and rental car. Taylor and Greer, and Hayes and Lauren come with us and the boys.

Lauren's POV

I see that Taylor and Greer are holding hands. I text Brie to see what's up.

To: Brie cheese🐄
From: Lauren's amazing🌊✨
What's going on with Taylor and Greer?

To:Lauren's amazing🌊✨
From:Brie cheese🐄
Idk let me ask.

Brie's POV

To:Taylor MOFO Caniff👌🏼🌿
From:Brie is awesome!😝👽
What's going on between you and Greer?

To:Brie is awesome!😝👽
From:Taylor MOFO Caniff👌🏼🌿
We are together now. I was going to make an announcement but you already know.

To:Taylor MOFO Caniff👌🏼🌿
From:Brie is awesome!😝👽
Make it at Magcon. Only Lauren and I are going to know.

To:Brie is awesome!😝👽
From:Taylor MOFO Caniff👌🏼🌿
Ok. I will.

To:Lauren's amazing🌊✨
From:Brie cheese🐄
They are dating. I am so excited.

To:Brie cheese🐄
From:Lauren's amazing🌊✨
Awe they are so cute together.

We are meeting fans. They are so gentle with the boys and everyone.

•after meet and greet•

Lauren's POV

I am talking with Greer and her story is similar to mine.

My mom and dad got a divorce. I had a twin but I don't remember her because she moved away with my dad. We could be sisters!!! I call my mom to see.

L- Hey mom?!

M- Yes honey?

L- Do you remember my sisters name?

M- How could I forget? It's Greer Bethany.

L- Holy shit. I am with her right now mom.

M- Tell her I said I love her and I will never forget her.

L- Okay mom. Love you bye

Greer got off the phone with her dad.

We screamed together "We are sisters!!! Ahh!!!"

We get everyone's attention and they are like what???

We tell them everything and they are so happy for us.

I am so happy. Ugh words can't explain.

[edited 5-27-15 9:27 pm]

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