•F I V E•

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Taylor's POV

I somehow got the job of holding Brie's feet. Oh well. She is so cute. I should have been there for Brie. I should be in Cameron's position right now. Ugh! Why am I even thinking about her? She is Cam's now.

•plane landed•

Carter's POV

Cam, Brie, and Taylor all fell asleep. I try to wake them up. I wake up Taylor first. He wakes up and then wakes up Cameron. Cam wakes up and then tries to wake up Brie. She never woke up but she had her seat belt on so she should be fine. They let her sleep and carried her out. Taylor got the bags and Cam carried her. He found a seat and sat down. She woke up and asked "Where am I?"

I respond "In an airport in Dallas."

"Oh okay." She gets up to find Cam I guess.

"Baggage Claim" I say.


She walks over to the baggage claim and hugs Cam. They kiss and look for the bags. They find their bags and come meet us. We had already found our bags so we were waiting.


Brie's POV

We get to the hotel and I am starving. We go to our rooms and put our stuff down.

•(These are the rooms:

Floor 7 Room 700- Hayes and Nash, Carter and Aaron

Floor 7 Room 701- Brie and Cam, Taylor and Shawn

Floor 7 Room 702- Jack and Jack, Matt and Mahogany

Floor 7 Room 703- Kian and Sam, Ricky and Connor

Floor 7 Room 704- Jc and Trevor, Alx and Curtis

Floor 7 Room 705- Will and Skylynn

|a/n I know there is o2l, Magcon, and viners but I felt like putting them in there so...|)•

I say "I am so hungry."

"Lets go eat at the buffet downstairs" Shawn said.

"Yea lets go get the others."

Our rooms were connected so we just walked in.

"Guys we are going to eat if you wanna come."

We get them all in line and we get on the elevator.

We find the buffet and I get in line and get wings, a cheese burger, some fries and a piece of cake.

"Are we eating here or nah?" I say.

"We can eat in the middle room which is Kians."

I grab a cart and Alx was about to call a busboy but I insisted I could do it. We aren't royalty.

Cam helps me. The boys go up before us. We somehow manage to get the cart in.

"You do realize that we have to get it out right?" I say.

"Yea but I have a plan."

"Okay whatever you say."

We get the cart in the room and I say "Let the lady get her food first."

They obey and I get my food. I start eating and in no time I am done.

"How did you eat that fast?" Kian asked.

"I was starving!!!"

"Okay then.."

We finish eating and I say "Guys lets go penny boarding."

"Yass!" Cameron says and kisses my temple.

We go to the lobby with our boards in hand and we ride. Taylor, Cam and I are really good friends. I admit I kinda have something for Taylor but I am with Cam so... yea. Cam and I are holding hands and my elbow is on Taylors shoulder.

(I kinda have writers block right now so I will be thinking of ideas and if you have any let me know)

[edited 5-26-15 3:52 pm]

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