|Ch 2| The Mafia's Queen

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White rose

There in the square room with loud chatter and the shrilling rings of multiple telephones sat a woman of gold.

Her pastel baby blue dress with white daisy's hugs her hourglass figure like a glove and her face as clear as porcelain shows not a single blemish having invaded the tender flesh.

She was perfect to raw eyes but those that really know her know she was far from perfect as perfect does not exist.

You can never be perfect. You can however be enough...

The aroma of coffee floats around the premises mixing with her sweet vanilla scent creating an exquisite aroma of morning dessert for the lusting men watching the beauty with hungry eyes. Eyes that sparkle with longing and thirst.

However, not one of the men approaches her for they are intimidated by her beauty and kind innocent soul, well that and she was the police captain's only daughter. No one with a sane mind would dare cross Eduardo Martinez's path by trying to woo his little girl.

Especially when he had a tight leash around her, never letting the girl out of his sight. He was always giving her all the love she needed as well as the protection needed from the real world.

There was no need for another man other than her father in her life, that's what Eduardo believed anyways and she thought so as well.

Eduardo was her shield from the cruel world, keeping her in the fictional fantasy land where the grass was greener and the sun shined with a happy glow where innocence rested and reality stood just behind Eduardo ready to swallow the girl lost in a field of daisies.

She has not yet passed the threshold of adulthood for her father had not allowed it. The real world was a place not for her but she had already had a glimpse of what lay behind the door.

Memories of the said dark world had already been hidden behind the dark corners of her mind. But now the memories were burned into her mind in the form of nightmares that he could not shield her from. Reality was slowly drowning her and he had no idea.

The beauty that had all eyes on her was his little girl and looking out from his office window, ignoring the two identical men yelling at him, he smiles as he watches his Principessa wait patiently for him as she has news to give him but was forced to wait outside until her father was done with his unexpected urgent meeting.

"Are you fucking listening to us!" Comes an outraged roar but it goes unnoticed by Eduardo who was too busy glaring at his male staff that wouldn't keep their eyes off his little girl who was really only eighteen and not so little after all.

She was a woman with the personality of a girl who had been spoiled rotten with love and protection leaving her vulnerable to those that seek to harm her.

She was a beautiful seed that had blossomed into the gorgeous white rose she is today. A white rose in a boutique of red roses. A rose everyone greedily wanted to have for themselves, but none would ever be able to have her- well only one but only for so long...

Never would Eduardo allow men like the two before him taint her silky-smooth pedals of white with their crimson.

An unwanted green slithery worm with canines would not feast on the white rose, his boot would squash the pest before it could sink its fangs into the rose.

"Unbelievable he's not fucking listening to us Estephano!" Comes the same voice from before only this time it's directed to the youngest of the two men who had an unemotional mask as he silently observed Eduardo with a calculating gaze that could solve any mathematical problem.

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