|Ch 34| The Mafia's Queen

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Never one step ahead of the Devil

The breeze from the now wide-open window wafts across Stephanie's fair skin and her eyes can't help but look out and below the window. The same one she is expected to jump out to make her get away with Estephano.  Looking out from the window, sure enough, there was a 20foot drop. One wrong move and she could break her neck. 

Estephano's eyes widen in panic when he watches as Stephanie begins to sway and he brings her body to his chest and mumbles comforting words to her. 

With his body pressed pushed against her trembling one he whispers sweet nothings into her ear despite their fathers being just outside the motel ready to charge at them, ready to take them away from one another.

 "Sh, sh, everything will be alright baby. I love you." He mumbles ever s softly pressing kisses over her face and wiping her tears away.

She was just a fragile as a glass vase, and that was understandable because she was Stephanie she had seen what no child should have seen. She was once coated in the red oozing liquids of her mother's dead body. 

"That's it take in deep breaths. Stephanie baby I need you to be strong okay." He tells her softly with gentle eyes. 

Looking up at his own worried eyes she nods and wipes the last of her tears, "Okay," she mumbles as confidently as she could in her trembling state.

Nodding he guides them both to the window and he looks down to find that the drop was not that high, to him at least. 

Squeezing her hand in his he turns to face her one more time and his eyes soften noticing the quiver in her lips and tears in her eyes.

Cupping both her cheeks in his hands he presses their foreheads together and kisses her nose.

"I'm going to climb down and then you will follow, okay?" He tells her and she nods hesitantly.

"I'll be right under you to catch you, okay" he proceeds to assure her. 

"Alright," she mumbles grabbing the bag from his shoulder and sending him a weak smile.

"I love you." He mumbles again before pressing their lips together for what will not be the last time because he will not allow Eduardo nor his father stop them from living the life they desire for themselves together.

If his father taught him anything it was to fight for what he wanted, and he wanted Stephanie. He wants them to grow old together with many grandchildren playing at their feet.

With one final nod of assurance, he climbs out of the window and slowly makes his way to the bottom of the building. Letting out a breath of assurance he looks up to the window to see Stephanie had a panicked expression across her face and he frowns at the sight of defeat on her face. 

 Looking down at Estephano with fear she is abruptly disrupted by the loud shouts of her and Estephano's fathers as well as the loud banging of them trying to break into the room. 

She was running out of time and she knew it. She had to jump now. 

Letting a breath out she throws the duffle bag out the window and without thinking she sits at the edge of the window with her legs dangling out below her.

With shaky hands clutching to the rim of the window the skin around her knuckles turning red.

 Watching her try to hurriedly make her way down Estephano's eyes widen when he hears the loud burst of the door from their room fall to pieces on the ground behind her. 

 Estephano is about to shout at her to jump when she slips the moment she heard the door of the room burst open.

With a gasp, she loses her breath and she falls down the building with fear and a scream trapped in her throat. Unable to open her eyes as the wind blows at her hair she prays that her death will be quick but to her surprise death never came. She heard a huff and warm arms clutch her. 

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