|CH39| The Mafia's Queen

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A/N if you've read The first book of the series (The Mafia Saved Me) then you have already read this chapter the only thing is there are a few new snippets from Stephanie's point of view.

*Ten years later*

Estephano smiles as he and his brother who has been his underboss for ten years now talk and mess around like nothing, a usual now that their bond has grown more than ever.

The two already have their own family. Estephano married his beautiful girlfriend Stephanie making her his wife. The two have two kids and one on the way. They clearly don't waste much time.

His first child was a boy, the future mafia king; young Leo Bandoni...

Estephano smiles as he recalls his ten-year-old son's determination to rule just like his father. Then he remembers his little princess Cleo the small five years old has Estephano wrapped around his finger just like his wife and an unborn baby boy who is do very soon.

He looks back up at his brother and wonders how on earth Marquez could stand his wife Emily. The woman was a gold digger and a total joke around the house always flirting and jumping at anything with a dick and a pulse. Meanwhile, her nine-year-old son Adriano wonders where his parents are all day.

The women have even tried to come between him and Stephanie multiple times but he made sure to place her in her spot. All she wants is money and to live a luxurious life. Such gold digging women like her make his blood boil but he can't do much as his brother enjoys keeping her around...Why he does Estephano has no idea.

The two brothers with identical features continue to joke around remembering the old times they had as kids when the door to his study suddenly opens and his beautiful six-month pregnant wife comes forward her dark blond locks hanging loosely around her like a fine silky drape.

"Hi honey how is he behaving. "Estephano asks his wife rubbing her swollen belly and smiling up at the love of his wife.

She smiles down at her husband and love of her life adoringly, "Been kicking all day long." She confesses with a smile before she cowers away at the sight of Marquez's smirk.

Memories from last week when he tried raping her yet again come to mind neither of which her husband has known about. Ten long years later and she was still very much afraid to tell him not only because of the threat Marquez had told her once before but because she didn't want to make him upset if his relationship with his brother were to melt away.

Old memories she had burned away had resurfaced when Marquez found her secret diary where she wrote everything including her confessions. Marquez knew the truth and this scared her as he now held the strings to the puppet she was to him. he could do anything to her and she would do it as he would tell everyone her secret, their secret. If word got out everyone would hate her, her life would be over, her father would never be able to look at her but most importantly Estpehano would forever hate her because of her lies and betrayal.

Not only that but Melanie would have a heart failure if she found out. The old yet gorgeous retired mafia queen had worked so hard to make her sons untied again and Stephanie just couldn't watch her work go to waste. She was too selfish and wouldn't let her perfect life go down the drain because Marquez had decided he wanted to be vile once again. He had hidden in the dark for far tt long and it was time he came out of his hibernation and caused more chaos. She was just not ready for what he had planned.

Stephanie knew very well that this man was sick yet she had to tolerate him for her husband who cared deeply for his brother was unaware of his evil side that was still very much present after many years.

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