|Ch 3| The Mafia's Queen

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Watching the man pass by only to stop and glance her way for a brief second that felt like minutes in her opinion, her eyes slowly travel up the man's physic until her sight finally rests on his furrowed expression.

Estephano's eyes do not move from the beautiful women that was so close yet so far from him, his eyes notice the way her perceptions strays from looking deep in his eyes to then looking down to his lips before they focus down at her white three-inch heels as if the common shoes were the most interesting thing to her.

Noticing her bit her bottom lip nervously and twisting her leg shyly Estephano smiles softly to himself glad to see he had some sort of effect on her just like she seems to have one on him.

Having seen the man smile the beauty looks up at him only to see there was no smile in fact there instead of a smile his lips were set in a thin line not giving anything away to what he could possibly be feeling. He was like a tall emotional wall of flesh.

A good looking wall he was; she had silently swooned to herself. Her perfectly symmetric lips curve into a slight smile in regards to her private thoughts about the man still stationed in front of her.

Feeling his heated gaze on her frame her hazel eyes of gold shimmer when they meet Estephano's deep bright green ones. The thin line still on his lips and he inspects her as if she were a project in a lab that he was studying.

'He would look beautiful with a smile,' she thinks to herself causing her cheeks to fluster for no apparent reason.

Frowning at the hallucination of him laughing and smiling with her she internally shakes her head and her eyes glance over the man's shoulder where her father stood clenching his fists glaring daggers at the gentleman standing close to her. His fist a snow white and his eyes piercing into the young pair, one being his innocent daughter and the other a rotten male made of danger and crime.

As if sensing her father was ready to intervene and no doubt cause a fight between himself and the nameless man with handsome features, she knows she needs to end this strange encounter once and for all.

Frowning worriedly the women with dark golden locks slightly backs away creating some distance instantly making Estephano frown but it vanishes before anyone can notice, but she had seen the faint sight of his grimace.

"Excuse me," the women silently mumbles her voice like a harp melody to Estephano's ears.

Coughing the lump in his throat he nods in acknowledgment before walking off in the opposite direction of the women who caught his eyes.

Walking towards her father she places a hand on his shaking form instantly calming him down, "Papa?" She calls out to him asking if he was okay to which the man nods bringing her into his arms and kissing her on the temple. Inhaling her vanilla fragrance that eases his boiling nerves.

"How is my Principessa? Emily tells me you have important news?" Eduardo asks only to frown when he notices his daughter wasn't paying attention to him. Instead she watched as Estephano walks to the glass doors ready to leave the police station but before he opens the door he glances one more time in the direction of the hazel-eyed women.

The two catch each other's stare once again, neither one of them wanting to look away. As always everything must come to an end.

Looking back up at her Papa who was calling out to her she smiles sheepishly before kissing his cheek, "Papa who was that?" She shyly asks him wanting to place a name for the mysterious man who couldn't keep his eyes off her and the same can be said for her.

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