|Ch 16| The Mafia's Queen

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A leap

After the terrifying encounter with Marquez Stephanie finds herself back in the room she had spent the following rough night in. The same room she almost died in; just remembering gives her a cold shiver of fear. How was it possible that the man by the name of Leonardo who was pitying her with his eyes just moments ago had tried killing her hours before? It was quite odd and she could not wrap her mind around how bipolar that man was.

With small cold hands she rubs her arm where Marquez's fingers had left their tainting mark and she winces when she hurts herself by applying too much pressure on the newly added bruise.

Sighing deeply she opens the door and silently walks into the luxurious room and the first thing she notices is the slumped figure on the bed. Her eyes then land on two sticks prompted against the nightstand.

Upon seeing the crutches Stephanie frowns and enters the room her feet shuffling against the carpet hurriedly causing the now familiar lumped figure to turn and face her only for the person to hiss in pain, clearly having injured themselves upon moving.

Stephanie gasps upon seeing her beaten friend and tears well in her eyes when seeing the nasty purple and blueing bruises. Running up to a frowning and very tired looking Emily Stephanie kneels beside her friend who now only gives Stephanie the same emotionless facial expression like the one Emily only ever shows the world. Stephanie felt how she could not feel her best friend anymore and she was worried sick to the stomach and unsure of what had happened to have made Emily look so bitterly at her.

As if the nasty bruises and bandage around Emily's head reminded Stephanie of how her friend had taken the biggest blow earlier Stephanie's eyes soften and guilt fills her throat in the form of a lump.

With cautious soft fingers Stephanie caresses the bruise on Emily's cheek with sad eyes, "Oh Emily why would you take the blame for me? Look at you, this is all my fault..." Stephanie continues to cry as she looks at her battered friend who had a concussion on her head and puffy tired eyes and swollen cheeks filled with nasty dark bruises from when she fell on the ground.

Despite Stephanie's coos and worry, Emily is as emotionless as before and not a single face muscle moves as she stays like a statue, unmoving and angry but most importantly hurt emotionally.

"Emily...?" Stephanie slowly asks noticing her friend's extremely quiet mood and detached attention as she stares idly at the wall behind Stephanie where there was a hole in the wall. The same spot she was thrown into.

Blinking away the trance she was in Emily's once thin lined lips turn into a frown but upon feasting on Stephanie her lips turn into a scowl and finally Stephanie receives a reaction from her but it is not the one she expected.

"Where the hell were you when I needed you!!!" Emily shouts as much as her aching throat allows her to.

She had spent the last two hours crying feeling abandoned by her only friend, her only family she had left.

Just like her father had left her as a newborn babe, and same as her mother abandoned her when she was five and stopped caring about her had Stephanie left her like a trash on the side of the road. Stephanie was just like all the others ever in Emily's life, that's what she told herself.

Stephanie left her after she took Leonardo's hits that were not entitled for her. Stephanie had really left her like roadkill after all she had done for her in return. She left college for a few days just to come here to help her friend find her father who was missing, she taught her friend about everything female related she needed to know that Eduard never got around to telling her. Emily was Stephanie's shoulder, her rock and what did Stephanie do when Emily herself needed the support back?

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