|Ch 20| The Mafia's Queen

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The barrier of love

The brown rocky building comes into sight the words, 'Italian police department of Rome' glowing like stars against the dark clouds filled with tears.

Cop cars line the front of the building and for once Stephanie is not so happy to be here as she knows that once they enter the building she will no longer see Estephano but she is determined to make her father listen to her. If only she knew that her father was done listening and now he was taking action.

Running her palms over her bare arms for heat she feels the bumps on the skin from the harsh air that nips at her flesh leaving a numbing sensation behind in its wake. Goosebumps coating her arms were the air touches.

A graceful smile tugs at her lips when she feels the rich silky material of Estephano's new and dry suit jacket being placed over her shivering shoulders, it was hot out just moments ago but now all Stephanie felt was coldness and maybe that was because she knew her father would never listen to what she had to say and she was feeling the sensation of fear. Whatever the cause of her shivers she knew one thing, she was afraid.

As soon as the jacket is around her frame Stephanie is instantly immersed in his warmth his manly spicy cologne wafts around her causing her to silently sigh clutching the coat tighter to her body.

Estephano grabs a hold of her hand clutching her tiny one in his large ones. The driver quickly runs out to the pair and he hands Estephano an umbrella. Taking the umbrella from the man Estephano thanks him and makes sure Stephanie is safe from the water droplets.

"Thank you," she shyly mumbles her shoulder rubbing against his as they walk, their warmth becoming one.

With every step closer to the building Estephano's fist clenched tighter and his father, and Marco all noticed this and watch with worried eyes while Marquez coolly enters the building first with his gladiator glasses perched on his nose, hiding the pleasing twinkle within them.

The instant the door to the place was opened by Márquez their was a strong aura of coffee bean and the smell of paper lingering in the air bringing a warm sensation to Stephanie despite her heart aching from being here.

Once they all step into the room all eyes instantly land on the four of them and many of the men that once stared at Stephanie in awe stared at her in shock obviously taking notice of her now blemished skin.

The marks of fingers fresh on her neck, arms and the bruises and scratches over her face tell a story of pain. The women that once looked up to her now stared at her in pity their eyes softening at the sight of the once beautiful women having been bruised beyond recognition. And the dark circles under Stephanie's eyes tell another story of sleepless nights. Her youth having been sucked out of her.

The once innocent and collected aura Stephanie was now replaced by a woman who was hurting and confused. She was not the same and she may never be after what she had gone through and quite frankly she was okay with that as it brought her closer to the mysterious Estephano Bandoni who has got her heart flipping in circles

The people around them begin to whisper as they emerge closer and closer to Eduardo's office their eyes glaring at the three men with Stephanie making her frown and nuzzle closer to Estephano who places a tender kiss on the top of her cheek successfully shocking everyone in the room.

Some gasped others had their eyes widen like saucers, a woman even spilled her coffee all over her desk.

Hearing the women curse Stephanie was forced to bite her lip to suppress the small laugh that wanted to come out.

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