|Ch 19| The Mafia's Queen

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Up to fate

With much trouble both Stephanie and Estephano exit the room knowing their time together was slowly coming to an end. Time was moving fast and soon the clock would strike its bell announcing their time of bliss was gone.

With such thought came the sensation of dread, it filled the pair like a glass of water.

Despite their inevitable fate they walked hand in hand down the hall only for Estephano to stop mid-stride when a sudden urge to turn them both around came by him.

The sudden stop having made Stephanie stop in the process, a now confused expression is present in her features along with the small ounce of relief swirling within her eyes.

With knitted brows, she looks at Estephano who only gazes down at her his eyes swirling with something she can not depict.

"Estephano what's wrong?" Stephanie softly asks him noticing the deep frown now on his facial expression as he gazes down at her with a longing look. The short space between felt anything but short, if anything the closer he was to her the farther she went from him, spiritually that is.

And at that moment he knew his answer to his earlier question and he could not bare the truth.

Estephano felt a something evil was coming but he did not know what, all he knew was that it was bad news.

Sighing he caresses her cheek affectionately causing Stephanie's eyes to close and she breaths out relaxed. Opening her hazel eyes when she hears his deep husky voice speaking to her.

'If only things were different...' he says to himself as he gazes down at her longingly.

"I just feel like something bad is going to happen," he confesses with a deep sigh his fingers lightly grazing the skin near her jaw until they disappear back to his side leaving her a cold shadow withering without his warmth.

Gulping down the nervousness that bubbled within her after hearing his words she cups his chin and the two stare deeply into one anothers eyes, neither one knowing that the emotion the other showed in their eyes was in fact love.

Stephanie gives Estephano an assuring smile that eases some of the worries within him but the presence of evil lurking was still there, "We will be okay," she tells him despite not being so sure herself as she remembers how cruel and dangerously Marquez had looked down at her.

Nodding in agreement Estephano pulls Stephanie into a kiss his lips lapping onto hers in a caress of gentleness and devotion he was not sure how he would keep.

Her arms wound themselves like vices around Estephano's neck bringing him closer to her and in turn Estephano's hands caress her waist massaging patterns onto her hip bone while his lips danced with hers in a swift passionate motion of love.

His fingers crawl up her waist and up her sides until they run up her arm where she whimpers when even the gentleness of his fingers have pressed pressure on the new bruise on her body. The same bruise Marquez had given her just seconds ago.

Hearing her whimper Estephano pulls away with a worried expression etched across his face as he looks Stephanie over checking for any injuries. Then his eyes land on the finger marks on her flesh ruining the fair skin leaving behind dark red and purple marks the sight of fingernails having been pierced into the skin have Estephano shaking with rage his eyes glazing over with a sheer curtain of red and the desire to kill had never been so strong.

He wanted to protect what was his and whoever had hurt her would suffer, he had promised that to himself and to her.

Noticing his glares directed to the finger marks on her right arm Stephanie lowers her gaze to the red and beige abstract rug just under her flats. Her chin is then lifted allowing her to see a tense Estephano who's eyebrows have creased in frustration and she finds herself smoothing the folds, Estephano's eyes instantly softening, "Who did this?" He asks her his voice deep with a threat to hurt whoever the culprit was.

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