Chapter 13:

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Thank you for 2.5k reads my lovelies!


This chapter contains swearing and touching, read at your own risk.

What? Has jai been here this whole time? I just gave him a weak smile and he returned the gesture. He started walking round to my friends on the other side of the island. I watched him carefully, in shock as he whispered in their ears. I could hear, but his words weren't clear. I suddenly realised what he must of said because all of my friends started walking upstairs.

Jai turned and face me with a smug smirk on his face. I tried as hard as I could to avoid eye contact as he continued to stare at me. I finally gave in and looked up to me his sparkly brown eyes. And his next action took me completely off guard.

He slowly edged closer to me and held his hand out for me. The corners of his lips quirk up into smile, not a grin and I could tell by the look in his eyes that I could finally trust him. the boy nearly completely ruined my life in less than a month. I hesitated at first, thinking that he was playing tricks on my mind, persuading my head to trust him but I gradually held his fingers loosely.

"We need to talk, about everything, I want you to understand what's going on.." jai said finally breaking the awkward silence.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked slightly confused. I don't how but as soon as jai's hand met mine, I completely forgot everything. the way he first treated me and bossed me around, to the way his brothers and friends got involved and turned my life into a confusing mess. it all went away and I was glad until he brought up the subject.

"You know what, don't try and act dumb around me." he snapped, with the grip on my hand getting awfully tighter by the second.

"Uh, sorry lets go and sit on the couch" he quickly nodded his head and dragged me to the sofa

He finally let go of my hand as he noticed that I was trying to sit as far away as possible from him.

"Well," jai said after a moment of silence, " what has skip said said to you?"

What how does he know I was talking to skip? "u-uh he said you was covering for someone."

He looked directly at me and I noticed the feeling of anger in his eyes. his jawline was more visible and his fists were clenched tight and were as white as chalk.

"Don't listen to that shit, never believe what he says."

"He sounded like he was telling the truth though.." I said nervously.

"What the fuck did I just say! don't listen to him in fact, never speak to him, again" he shouted whilst rising from his spot on the sofa.

"Okay I won't" I said as calmly as I could whilst putting my hands up in the air as surrender.

He sinked back down to my level as he started to speak to me again.

"Um well you will probably hate me, well you do but I need to tell you the truth, I want to get to know you Sophia, and I approached you the wrong way." wow did not expect that. "trust me, I am a nice guy but I do tend to snap and shout at people if they treat me with disrespect."

"Jai.." I sighed, "how do you expect me to treat you with respect when you treated me like crap? You can't honestly think that I can forgive you like this" I said whilst clicking my fingers.

"I know, I've been thinking for days on end on how to change your mind" he said whilst putting his hand on my inner/upper thigh. I tried to pry his hand off my leg But he only held it tighter.

A smirk formed on his lips as he noticed me trying to yank his hand off my leg.

"What's wrong Sophia?" he leaned over and whispered in my ear whilst he caressed my cheek.

"Your hand, jai don't" I squinted my eyes shut as I felt his hand slowly move from my cheek to my shoulder, underneath my arms to my hips. I suddenly shot my eyes open as I felt his hand slowly make his way to top of my pyjama bottoms. I felt his fingers, one by one go in between my skin and my pants. I started to panic and sweat started to form on my forehead and the palm of my hands. my heart race started to speed up and I was VERY uncomfortable. I think he noticed my reaction because he didn't stop.

"Shh Sophia," he shushed me whilst placing his finger on my lips with his spare hand. "I've always wanted to do this"

His words made goosebumps form on my skin and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. tears started to form in the corners of my eyes as he started to draw figures of eights on my inner thighs and my below area underneath my pants, luckily not on my bare skin.

"Stop!" I heard a feminine voice shout whilst running towards us.

It was all three of my friends and they were all pulling him away from me. his hands were quickly pulled away from my body and I felt a weird feeling inside. again.

Something in my head told me that I loved his touch and goosebumps formed in every place his fingers left marks on. once I knew what I was feeling, that feeling wouldn't go away. I must of.. like it? but to scared to admit it?

I let the tears fall down my cheeks as I cradled myself in the corner of the sofa. I felt the sofa dip beside me as my friends sat closely next to me.

"Are you okay?!" abbey sighed.

"I don't know but I.. think I liked it..."

Thank you for reading! sorry if it's a bit rude and not for your liking but hey, it's a fan fiction and it would be boring if it didn't!

Later my lovelies,

Becca xxx

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