Chapter 19:

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- read notes at the end of the chapter


Not much happened when me and jai got back to my house, he stayed for less than an hour then left. So I was left alone to watch Netflix and read for the rest of the night. It has been two weeks since I saw jai, and that scene in science. We haven't really seen each other since then, and I preferred it that way. even though I might say I hate him, my feelings for him are getting stronger.

"Please come to the party tonight, we've not had a girls night out for ages. and it's Friday!" abbey pleaded on the other end of the phone.

"For the millionth time, no"

"Right Sophia, I know you've been through and awful lot over the past few weeks and I know the last year of school started not long ago, but you need to forget about it! your letting it control your life and your not the real you any more," she sighed, visible her breath was shaky, "I miss you Sophia. You don't come out as much anymore and when we do go out out you don't eat as much as you used too. your really worrying me."

"Abbey honestly I'm fine, you can come round now if you want, you can choose my outfit, what makeu-"

"Wait so your coming?!" she squealed.

"Yes now hurry up before I change my mind!" I laughed. we exchanged goodbyes then I hung up the phone. since abbey lives about ten minutes away, I decided to have a shower to calm my nerves.

I didn't have a clue who's party this was and where it was at, so I just had to hope for the best. I washed my hair thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner and brushed my hair. even though I shaved yesterday, I used my raiser again to get rid of the growing hairs on my legs and under my arms just to be extra clean. I turned the shower off and stepped out whilst grabbing a towel which was sitting on top of the toilet seat. I walked out of the bathroom, forgetting the possibility that I could be being watched right now.

I quickly changed into a white v-neck top and put some black lace panties on and ran to the door since someone was knocking.

I opened the door and was met with abbey holding one bag in her left hand, and multiple night outfits in her right.

"I was wondering if I could sleep?" she smiled yet sounding a bit unsure.

"Yeah sure we can sleep downstairs if you want?" I suggested walking up the stairs towards my room. abbey not that far behind. I turned to look back at abbey and she nodded in reply.

After going through tons of outfits, she finally found something nice for me to wear. she kept choosing slutty outfits even though I kept telling her I wanted to look as casual as possible. I was wearing a pink, white and purple figure hugging galaxy dress and some white platform heels. even thought it wasn't casual, I hesitantly agreed to wear it. abbey was wearing a knee-high black dress which the skirt was like a tutu and it had a sweet-heart neckline. above the neckline was black lace and she was wearing black platforms.

"Ready to go?" abbey squealed excitedly whilst touching up her make up.

"Yes" I laughed grabbing our phones and followed her down the stairs.


"Where are we going?" I asked still unsure of the plans. We were in the car and I was sure we were nearly there.

"It's just around the corner, you'll recognise it when you see it." I just nodded my head and turned to look out the window. Even though it was 7pm, the night sky was a light shade of blue but the stars were visible.

"We're here!" she pulled the car up outside the house and took her seatbelt off. My hands began to shake and my heart was thumping out of my chest.

This was jai's house? we were at his house.

"Um abbey, this is jai's house!" I said angrily looking back at her.

"I know your probably going to say no but please come in, we will avoid the brooks brothers at all costs and we will have a girls night, yea?" She begged, " Rae Rae and Isabel are already here and we made a deal to avoid them too because we don't really want to see them either.."

"Fine" I sighed getting out of the car and following abbey towards the house.

I opened the door and a horrific smell filled my senses. the strong smell of alcohol was lingering in the air as well as cigarettes and possibly weed. we pushed our way through drunk bodies and towards the garden, where Isabel told us to meet. I was handed a red cup filled with an unknown substance yet I drank it anyway to try and calm my nerves and anxiety.

"There they are" abbey said as we made our way down the garden steps. their was a group of people at the end of the garden, but it was hard to make our exactly who Isabel and Rachael were with.

"Hi!" Isabel sang running towards us then giving us hugs.

"Hey" we laughed returning the hug. we walked back over to the group of people and sat down down in the circle. with abbey on my left and Rae Rae on my right.

I hadn't looked at anyone else who was sat in the circle because I had a feeling I already knew who it was.

I stared at my drink whilst swishing it around, trying to focus on the music that was blasting out in the back round.


Oh no.

It's was him.

I looked up from my drink and directly into jai's eyes, yet not meaning to.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered trying to gather up my thoughts properly.

Jai wasn't the only one who was sat int the circle. it was me, abbey, isabel, james, beau, jai, luke, Daniel and Rachael.

"Do you want to play a game?" he smirked, knowing that I couldn't turn down his request.

Oh shit.

-please read!

We all have iMessage right? message me feedback for this chapter at !

I hope you actually do because I've just gave out my personal email and I don't want to be putting it out there for no reason lol.

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