chapter 10:

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thank you so much for nearly 1k reads! I never thought I would get that many, so carry on reading I think this part will be good and you will find out who jai is 'apparently' covering for!

I couldn't believe what he actually just said. he was covering for someone? so jai actually messed me around because that person was too shy to own up? I was fuming at this point!


"no! Sophia just listen to me let me explain and you will un-"

"NO! THERES NO NEED FOR AN EXPLANATION! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG, LEAVE ME ALONE I NEVER WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOU EVER AGAIN!" and with that I stormed away from him and back towards the school. I pushed the doors open with all my anger and earned a few glances from some, well most of the students. a few teachers told me to slow down and be careful but I just didn't listen to them. I made my way back into the dinner hall since there was another 20 minutes to spear and made my way back to abbey, Isabel and Rachael.

"hey what did skip say to you, are you ok?" abbey questioned.

Rachael was about to say something but before she could I told them to follow me. I decided to skip school and I wanted to skip it today because I was too weak to face anyone.

"are we skipping school?" Isabel said.

"yeah im too tired to do anything today so I thought we should skip and watch some Netflix?"

as soon as the word 'netflix' left my mouth, giant grins grew on their faces. instead of going out, we would spend our whole weekend watching rom-coms, horrors and Disney on Netflix. we were big fans of it and everyone knew it.

"yes!" they all said in sync.

we raced to my car and all got inside, luckily with no one noticing that we were skipping. I put the key in the ignition, turned it all the way round until it roared like a lion. I reversed out of my spot and headed towards my house.

after 5 minutes we pulled up outside of my house and got out of my car. I locked my car and made my way up the steps. I unlocked the door and let my friends in. I shoved my bag on the kitchen island and walked over to the sofa. I took my shoes off along with my jacket and sat crossed leg on the right side of the sofa.

"so what do you wanna watch?" I said whilst patting the sofa next to me gesturing for my friends to sit down.

"well first can we tell you something?" Isabel said whilst they all sat around me, they all looked worried and I was worried too.

"um well we've been getting texts from a few people and we think we know who they are from." abbey added.

"what? what have they said? who are they?" I said panicky.

"we think its skip, james, beau, luke and we get the most of jai." rae said, her voice cracking a bit.

my heart stopped. " w-what have t-they been s-s-saying?" I said between breaths.

" they told us to stay away from you or they will make you stay away from us." abbey stated with a tear falling down her face. I leaned over towards her lifted my hand up towards her face and wiped the tear away with my thumb.

"shh don't cry, im not gonna let them suddenly control my life! tonight, we shall forget about them and watch Netflix until our heads fall off!" I said to lighten up the mood.

I finally persuaded them to forget about it.

AN: thank you for reading! im sorry if its bad I've been watching one direction, Coldplay, on radio one's big weekend.

p.s. ive read the first few chapters from this story and I have to admit, they are really bad so im sorry if you don't really understand them! hope you enjoyed this one and im gonna update later on!

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