Chapter 18:

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( this is the third part from teaser two )

I was fuming at this point,nearly at the point of crying with a large amount of tears, yet I was kind of glad that no one was making a joke out of this. accept jai,

He was staring right at me in the eyes with a big smile on his face, playing dum.

"Why? why did you do this jai?" I said whilst the tears were building up in the corner of my eyes.

"You deserved it you little shit" he said with no regret in his voice.

My heart sank at his words, I wasn't sure if he was lying about this or all the time we have spent together talking so far. He really confused me at most times and I wasn't sure if he was messing with me. he'll probably follow me home asking for an apology.

I gave up, I can't be apart of his little games anymore, I want to be part of someone's life because they actually need me there not so they can just use me.

I just shook my head at him and started to take as many pictures off the wall as I could. "Sophia stop we'll do it, go to lesson early so you can have some time on your own." abbey said giving me a warm, yet worried smile.

Isabel and abbey gently pushed me out of the way and started to take all the pictures off of the walls. I watched them for a while, unsure wether to move or not. I felt that if I move, I would fall because I was becoming weaker and weaker each day. Lately I haven't been eating as much as I should, I have been more insecure about my body, my hair and the clothes I wear. I serve smaller portions for myself when I'm getting something to eat, and I get this weird burning sensation at the back of my throat every time I have finished my meal.

My dinners are getting smaller, yet I'm still hungry. I lie to my mum saying that I have eaten before, not wanting to dump all of my problems on her. I'm starting to feel fat and jai's words are making me feel worse. no matter how good are bad those words are, they put pressure on me, telling me to make myself a better person or that I could be better.

I slowly made my way to the classroom, since we had 15 minutes before the bells went. first period was science but I had to go to registration first so they know I'm here. luckily, jai isn't in the same form as me, but he is in most of my classes. the only person that I don't want to be in my form is beau,

and he sits next to me.

I walked into the dark classroom, dark as a sign I was the only one here. I sat down in my place at my table and sighed whilst putting both of my palms on my forehead. my breath was shaky and my hands were shaking too.

I jumped out of my skin as I heard someone else speak from behind me, "guess I'm not the only early one anymore" they said with a light chuckle. I recognised that voice...

I turned around and was met with a heart attacking, cheek blushing view. it wasn't anything I haven't seen before, yet it was the first time I actually cared about how he looked. Beau was wearing black skinny jeans and a baggy white tank top. the whiteness of his tank made his skin look browner and softer, yet he was already tanned. And his muscles... wow his muscles made him ten times hotter.

What am I saying?

"Sophia? Did you hear me?" he said like he has repeated the same sentence before.

"What?" I said snapping out of my thoughts.

"I said how come you are here so early?" He questioned with a concerned look in his eyes. I didn't know if to trust him or not. it wasn't like he had treated me the worse, but he hadn't treated me with respect either.

"Oh.. um my friends told me to come here early so I could have some time own my own" I shrugged, trying not to give away too much detail.

"How come you need to spend time on your own?" he said, pushing the limits further. he grabbed a chair from next to me, from his usually place, and sat facing me with his front pressed up against the back of the chair.

"I don't really wanna say to be honest" I told him truthfully, looking in the opposite direction.

"just forget about the past, tell me and I will listen" he suggested placing a hand onto my shoulder. I jumped under the touch, taken aback by his sudden movement.


We spent the whole 15 minutes talking about me, and what's happened and why I feel insecure. I instantly regretted telling him all of this because I shouldn't dump all of my stupid problems on such a good looking boy.

Wait. no he's just, not


He looked at me like he understood, but I knew he didn't. I know he was trying to 'probably' make me feel better, but he didn't. he made me feel embarrassed of myself and I don't how he did it.

We were now in science and I couldn't seem to concentrate. abbey and Isabel were in here and unfortunately, jai and beau was too.

When I was talking to beau before, he seemed so nice, calm and I wasn't afraid of him. but as soon as science started, he completely changed. he was angry with me in a way, and when we exchanged a few glances, his eyes were filled with hatred and pleasure.

Was he possessed?

"Sophia are you ok" isabel asked. I quickly jumped out of my thoughts and realised I was staring right at jai,

and he was staring right back

at me.

I quickly looked at abbey and Isabel and they were staring right at me too. I started to panic and look around the room.

Everyone was staring at me.

I got up from my seat and quickly picked my bag up from the floor with a shaky hand.

"Are you ok Sophia?" Mr Davis my science teacher said.

I just nodded my head and turned around to start making my way out of the classroom. I walked passed a few tables easily but for some reason my knees went weak when I knew i had to walk pass jai and beau. I gripped onto my bag strap that was resting on my chest and started walking passed them with my head hung low.

With my luck, I tripped over the leg from their table and fell straight into jai's lap. however, he caught me bridle style and I couldn't help but blush tremendously.

I looked over at my friends and their faces were fear stricken. I gave them a reassuring smile as a sign I was ok and began to get up.

Yet only to be pulled back down on jai's lap by himself.

"Jai what are you doing" Mr Davis said with wide eyes.

"Oh nothing sir, I will go out with her to make sure she's okay" he smiled.

He stood up from his spot with me still in his arms, and kicked his stool under the table with his foot. As soon as we got out of the classroom, he looked both ways and suddenly let his arms drop too his sides.

I whimpered in pain as the bottom of my back and my elbows hit the floor with force.

"Don't make me do that again, okay?" he snapped.

I looked up to him and the look of regret quickly flashed in his eyes.he is so bipolar.

I shook my head at him and began to get up only to be stopped by jai, again. he coughed at me holding his hand out for me to take. when he noticed the look of shock on my faces he looked to the side as if forcing him self not to smile at me. even though I could see the corners of his mouth quirk up.

I grabbed ahold of his hand and quickly pulled myself up, not wanting to feel his touch for long.

"Thanks" I said, giving him a weak yet real smile.

We started walking towards the first aid room, since that's where I wanted to go but we walked past it towards the entrance of the school.

"Jai? what are you doing I wanted to go to first aid!" I snapped, with the sound of anger in my voice.

"Your going home, it's obvious you won't be able to concentrate all day" he said, thinking he's stating the obvious.

Oh was all I could say to try and keep the conversation at minimal. I was still angry at him for dropping me on the floor but who wouldn't be? I try to mirror my feelings with jai to make being around him for so long a lot easier.

Yet it's not working so far...

Teaser| j.brooksWhere stories live. Discover now