Chapter 3:

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(AN : thank you for reading and voting! I know it's not that many people but I'm proud!)

*Sophias pov*

I woke up and realised i had school today. Ugh. I got up and went to the bathroom when I realised that there wasn't one, and I wasn't in my house.

I think i started to panic a bit too much and scream a bit too loudly because I heard people running to my room. I remember now! jai brooks and his brothers took me here, I tried to escape but I was trapped between the 3 of them. Then jai was behind me and put some thing over my mouth. And now I'm here.

All of the brooks brothers run into the room along with James and Daniel.

"What are you doing here?" jai shouted

What? is he actually trying to play dumb right now?

"What! jai you brought me here!" I screamed

He started to laugh and so did the rest of them. How pathetic are they?

"Umm no I didn't you just followed me home you saw me from your locker and followed me to my car we quickly drove down the road until we couldn't see you anymore. And now, here we are!"he said with a giant smirk on his face.

How gullible did he think I was?

"Erm no jai you grabbed from my locker and took me to your car, I think your talking about another girl because every single other girl would do that and you know I hate you! do you seriously think I'm gonna fall for your lies?"

"No but I know your going to fall for me..." He said stepping closer to me. Ugh he made every single situation awkward.

"Right jai I'm going I don't won't to hang out with people like you and you are NOT going to make me. AND STOP MESSING MESSING WITH MY HEAD!" and with that I pushed him away from me and was out of the house and storming down the street.

I still didn't know where I was but everyone finds there way back home, right?

I had been walking for a while and there was still no sign of familiar scenes. Just as I was about to cross the road I heard a car beep their horn behind me. I couldn't see who was in the car because the windows were tinted black. I started to pick up my pace and so did the car.

I couldn't run any further,so I decided to hide in someone garden.

... That wasn't a very good idea...

"Oi, you! get out of my garden now!" the man said.

"I can't someone's following me!" I tried to day it so only he could hear me.

"No get out now your stepping on my flowers young lady! that patch took two years to grow!" he shouted, yet clearly proud of his work

The car stopped. The man went back in his house and I was now stood I front of his house. Someone in a black hoodie and sunglasses got out of their car and was walking very quickly towards me.

Why do people want to kidnap me?! what about a girl that wouldn't mind being taken from because she hates her life! people need to give me some personal space ...

the 'man' took his sunglasses of and pulled his hood was jai and he was now running towards me. before anything else could happen the man from the house came back outside. Thank god!

"Oy boy leave her alone!" he said making his way down the steps in front of his house with a struggle.

"Oh don't worry sir she's with me, you can back inside now" jai said.

Oh great I have no where to go now and I have to go with jai because THAT MAN believed him.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I was being pulled at by my wrists by jai towards the car.

"Ow let go thats hurts!" I screamed kicking my legs.

Jai was now carrying me to his car and shoved me in the back seat when I was "greeted" by the rest of the janoskians (AN the janoskians were the name that everybody called them at school plus it's easier to refer to them as that)

Great now is the 2nd time I have been kidnapped by these crazies.

"You know you love it when I get your heart racing Sophia" jai said.

"No I hate it" I replied.

Trust me, you wont in the future..."

AN : thank you for reading and there will be more coming !

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