Chapter 14:

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I did not sleep at all last night. you know that feeling you get when your really tired but you can't seem to drift off into the better world? that's how I felt. nightmares and thoughts, and memories from earlier that day was all I could dream about. I kept waking up multiple times in the middle of the night drenched in my own sweat, honestly gross.

I bet your thinking, how can all of that happen in the space of less than a week? yeah, I'm asking myself the same question. Well if you remember it was Friday and I invited my friends round , well we skipped, and we watched netflix. Then the next day came and then blah blah blah and shit happened.

It's now Sunday and I have an unreasonable amount of homework to complete. 5 math sheets and 10 English writing pieces. for English I have to research some stuff so I guess I need to go to the library.

All my friends went at 10 last night, they stayed until I finally ( faked) falled asleep. it was now 7am and I was making my bed. i don't know why but I wake up really early on weekends and really late on weekdays.


I was now putting away my empty plate which still had few crumbs here and there of buttered toast. I had a simple quick breakfast this morning which just insisted of toast and a nice cold bottle of water.

I walked back to the island to took my stool under the table. I ran upstairs towards my room to choose what outfit I was going to wear for the day ahead. I rummaged through my wardrobe but I couldn't find one single thing to wear.

There was a sudden creak of a floor board behind me which made me scream loudly. I turned around and noticed a pink note in the shape of a love heart carefully stook to my pillow, oh no. I walked round to the side of my bed and picked up the note with my right hand. it said,

'Babe there's something in the bathroom for you to wear, see you at the library ;) xx'

I kept reading the note jai obviously gave me over and over again. does he honesty think I'm going to wear something he has chosen for me? he's probably put out a low cut crop top with a stupidly short skirt. I threw the note into the bin and made my way into the bathroom. I tried to open the door but it just wouldn't budge.

"Let me help" an unfamiliar voice said from really close behind me, too close for me liking. I turned around and was met with jai's face right up in mine, again. he wore a proud smile that reached his ears like he's done completely nothing wrong. He was wearing a white v-neck skintight shirt so you could see his muscles popping out in the right places and some baggy grey track suit bottoms. most of his tattoos that I have never really noticed before were all on show and his outfit was accompanied by some white trainers, the make I have never heard of before.

He was staring right down at me, the innocent smile still plastered on his face while he was slowly chewing on a minty piece of gum.

I quickly nodded my head as I moved out of the way so he could open the door. he pushed the door open with his right shoulder and it finally opened. I jogged into the bathroom and noticed nothing clothes wise was in here. I glanced at jai and furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Look behind the door" he spoke whilst pointing with his thumb. I looked around the back of the door and noticed a very allegiant, suitable outfit for today's type of weather. it was a big burgundy jumper with long sleeves, black skinny jeans with rips at the knees and some black toms.

"Thank you" I said giving him a warm smile whilst feeling the softness of the jumper with it still on the door.

"Anytime babe"

he engulfed me into a strong hug and I just froze, taken back by his sudden act of kindness with his words and actions.

"You can go now jai you don't have to follow me" I said whilst rolling my eyes at him.

I turned back around and picked the outfit off of its hangers. I re-opened the door and noticed jai wasn't there.

He finally listened to me

I closed the bathroom door behind me as I started walking towards my room. I carelessly closed my rooms door behind me and began to strip of out of my clothes.

Still topless, but with my bra on, I pulled my ripped jeans past my ankles and up to my waist. like always, my hips were a little bit big for my liking and it took me a bit of effort to do the button. I heard someone lightly cough behind me and I quickly turned my head around to see who it was. jai was standing about a metre away from me with a big grin on his face. his pupils were dilated and his eyes were fixed between my waist and shoulders.

"U-um what are you doing here" I stuttered whilst trying the best i could to cover up my bare chest.

"Oh, I thought you meant leave the room, not the actual house" his grin grew wider whilst he was taking steady steps towards me, eyes still staring at my chest and his mouth seemed dry because he couldn't stop licking them.

I turned my back away from him, hoping he would get the message to fuck off but he didn't. I felt his soft hands wrap loosely around my waist and fidget with the button on my pants. I shivered under his touch and I think he noticed. he finally facerned the button and his hands slowly slid up. he started to draw little shapes on my stomach with his index finger. I melted under his touch and rested the back of my head onto his shoulder whilst his chin was leaning on mine on the opposite side.

"Your skin is so soft" he mumbled against me neck. I just hummed in reply and quickly lifted my head up. I got out of his grip and turned around to face him.

"Jai you need to go, you can't just expect me to forgive you so easily." I said whilst putting my burgandy jumper over my head.

"So? I could tell you loved my touch so way are you complaining?" he questioned like this whole situation was no big deal.

"Because I don't want to fall for you!" I shouted,

"I keep falling and I can't seem to pick myself up jai, that's why.."

AN: oooo what do you think is going to happen next? comment/vote and share my story because I don't like ghost readers!
See you soon my lovelies!,

Becca xxx

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