Chapter 17:

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( this is the second part from teaser two )

Jai left earlier than me because for some reason he didn't want to walk into school with me.

I got all of my stuff that I needed for school into my bag and my phone, which was fully charged. I got my jacket and locked the front door behind me. I got into my car and reversed out of my driveway. since it was 7:50 am and school starts at 8:25 I drove in the opposite direction towards Starbucks.

For some reason, even though Starbucks was the opposite way from my school, there was only 5 minutes difference between them, and that really confused me.


I drove out of my parking spot with my smoothie in hand as I controlled the car with my other one. I tapped my fingers against the steering weal along with the beat of the music that was playing on the radio. I finally made it to school, and it was very crowded.

There's was people running in every direction like they were panicked, and the noise was horrendous! people were screaming at the top of their lungs as if trying, but not a single word could come out.

I grabbed my bag from the seat next to me whilst putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got our of the car.

Suddenly, everyone's heads turned around and stared at me, directly at me. they all started to run towards me my heart started to but faster. I screamed as loud as I could as more than 100 students were coming closer and closer.

They all came to a sudden halt, about 3 metres away from me and my car and started fire ring questions at me.

"SHUTUP!" someone shouted from the middle of the crowd.

A few people started to tumble over from the force behind them of being pushed. suddenly abbey and Isabel popped out right in front of me.

"SOPHIA ARE YOU OK?" They both said in sync. I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion not understanding why they were asking such a stupid question. "yeah why" I said with a nervous chuckle.

"Come" they both said grabbing one of my hands each. We pushed our way through the crowd and walked through the front entrance of our school.

"Theres, something's that we need to show you" abbey stated seriously.

"Oh ok" I said with a grin thinking it was a surprise.

"This isn't funny Sophia it's really bad, and it includes you" I froze, as soon as Isabel said my name I froze.

was that why everyone came running towards me before?

I looked down the corridors and noticed lots of pictures stook to the walls of the school. I ran closer to then and nearly fallen back when I noticed who it was,


There was pictures of me getting changed, doing my hair, in the shower, eating, and when I was running this morning. They were all from this weekend,

I've only seen jai this weekend..

Pure anger started to rise in my body and I wanted to rip jai's head off (AN: sorry she's angry I don't actually wanted to rip his head off)

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT DICK!" I shouted with steam probably coming out of my ears.

"Who? me?" jai said suddenly behind Isabel and abbey who were stood I front of me.

"I HATE YOU SO MUCH" I screamed storming towards him, only to be stopped my abbey and isabel. that boy can get away with murder, litrally..

Teaser| j.brooksWhere stories live. Discover now