Chapter 16:

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( this is the first part from teaser two )


I quickly tied my hair up into a messy pony tail and grabbed my trainers which were sat next to my feet on the floor.

I finally made it to the library on sunday, but I couldn't concentrate. jai was on my mind for the rest of the day yet I still completed my homework.

it was 6am, on a Friday and I was about to go for my morning jog. I've only just started this, I've never been able to have more than a two hours sleep! so lately, I've been waking up at 11pm and I just listen to music, read, watch youtube videos and when it turns 5-6 am, I go on a jog.

Ever since jai has told me I was beautiful, I've started feeling more insecure about myself. every single morning, I find it a struggle to chose something to wear incase it won't be perfect and I have to wear the right amount of makeup, the list goes on and on. I just feel like jai is messing with me, that he's just teasing me..

I grabbed my iPod from its charger and attached it the sports strap you add onto your shoulder so you can listen to music. I ran downstairs and made sure that the front door was locked securely behind me, then started to jog down the drive way.

Yes, my mum has come back seven days ago, she had to stay on her business trip an extra week so I had a lonely weekend and week on my own. She's got a better job in the same place. she has longer hours and starts earlier in the morning. it has been seven days since jai has told me I am beautiful, and that seems to be the only thing I think about...

I need to talk to him

I need to know of he's telling the truth

What if he was covering for someone?

I soon thought of the day I talked to Daniel ..


"He does actually like you but um, well.."

"But what, spit it out I don't have all day." I said along with a nervous chuckle.

"He's covering for someone"


The memory soon was erased from my thoughts as the music made it's way in my brain. music takes up a big part of my life, the lyrics always explain my feelings better than I can myself. if you know me properly, you will always see me with my earphones in, with every chance I get.

I jogged around a few streets until I made it back to my house. I stopped midway on my driveway leaning down putting my hands on my thighs, out of my breath. once my breathing was back to normal I stood up properly and got my iPod out of the strap and turned the music off.

I looked through one of my windows and noticed a dark figure run past it. my heart started to beat uncontrollably at the thought of a stranger in my house. I slowly walked towards my front door and unlocked it.

"Hello?" I called out as calmly as I could.

No one replied so I put my iPod on the kitchen island and got a bottle of water out of the fridge. I drank it as fast as I could and ran upstairs. I ran into my on suit bathroom and began to strip out of my sweaty clothes as fast as I could and turned the shower on. I waited impatiently for the water to turn warm then finally got in.

I did the usually routine, shave my legs, under arms, washed my hair and other places on my body where sweat could of formed. I turned the shower off and got out. I hurriedly searched for a towel but i couldn't seem to find one anywhere. I had two options. one, go into my bedroom and get a towel from there or two, put my sweaty clothes back on and go out into my room but have to take another shower.

I went with option one since I didn't want to take another shower.

I tried as best as I could to cover up my lady parts incase that 'figure' was still roaming around my house. I looked in all the draws I had but there seemed to be no towels.

I guess I had to go out on the landing to get to the main bathroom...

I got two of my pillows from my bed, because it's the only thing I could think of, and covered my front and back with them. I know, stupid.

I struggled opening my bedroom door but it finally opened. I looked left and right to see if the masculine 'figure' was in sight, luckily he wasn't.

I walked a little down to the main bathroom when something stopped me.

Someone was watching me, and my head was screaming at me, telling me to turn around. but my body was tell me to run.

I went with my head a turned around as quickly as possible, scared of who was stood behind me, it could be anyone.

I looked back again, but a bit slower and he was there, stood at the end of the landing, with multiple towels in his hand, shit.

"Need these?" jai smirked, swinging the towels back and forth with his hand.

I ran towards him but he pushed me back with his spare hand, telling me to stop.

"Jai give me the towels, now" I said, clearly embarrassed. the pillows were now turning wet and soggy so you could the outline of my body through them.

"Get rid' of the pillows then" he said, knowing his plan was going to work.

"W-what?" I stutterd.

"You heard me" he pointed towards the now soggy pieces of material that were covering my body, "off now"

I slowly roved the back one first with my hands shaking like crazy, since he couldn't see me from the back.

"Come on now we haven't got all day, or I will have to do it my self" jai said getting impatient.

The thought of jai taking the pillow away from me himself alarmed me and quickly roved the pillow from in front of me. I buried my face in my hands with embarrassment. I flinched as I felt jai put his hands on my waist then removed them. I heard something soft being thrown into a room then a footstep as I felt his presence move closer to me body.

He whipped a towel around my body and secured the towel around my chest making sure it wouldn't fall down. I removed my hands from my face and he smiled at me.

"Uh thanks" I choked out.

He held his hand out for me to take and I did so. he walked me towards my room and motioned for me to sit down at my desk.

Surprisingly, he started to brush my hair and hum to some song. I've never really had someone brush my hair before accept for my mum when I was younger and unable to do it.

I was honestly creeped out by what he was doing. jai , brushing my hair? am I dreaming?

"Hey do you want me to make you some coffee or tea?" he said breaking the comfortable silence and walking towards the the door.

"Hmm, coffee sounds good" I gave him a warm smile and told him exactly how I wanted it. He closed the the door behind him as I heard footsteps going down the stairs.

I quickly tied my hair into a pony tail and walked to my wardrobe. today I was wearing some normal denim shorts with flowers at the hem and long flowy bits (AN: you know those things you get on the end of those curtain drawers at the end of curtains those long piercer of stringy-material? It's those, I will add a picture so you will be able to see them heheh) a yellow tank top, and some white sandals. I put very little makeup on to make it look natural and walked downstairs into the kitchen where jai was about to sit down with two mugs of coffee.

I know it's warm but I needed something to wake me up.

We talked for a while about random funny things and school and our friends there, to get to know each other a bit better. I like this side of jai, I feel like I could tell him anything.

"Why are you doing all this for me?" I suddenly blurted out.

"I approached you in the wrong way like I said, and you didn't deserve it. I may tease you from time to time but that's just me" he stated calmly.

"Oh. I prefer this side of you jai, I feel like I can tell you anything" I said honeslty.

"I prefer this side of me too"

Teaser| j.brooksWhere stories live. Discover now