Chapter 2:

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I made my way to my locker and got my books I needed for my next two lessons. I must of took a long time because the bell went and all the corridors were empty!

Just as I was about to close my lockers someone else closed it for me and then someone else came up behind me, and they dragged me out of the school.

"Ahh get off me whoever you are!" I screamed. I didn't know who they were because they put a blind fold on me.

"Shut up !" one of them screamed.

When we got into a car and when we were inside someone took my blind fold off my face and guess who was there? Luke, beau and worst of all JAI. I was in the middle seat in the back of the car with Luke on my left and beau on my right. And jai was in the driving seat. There was something about beau I didn't like he kind of creeped my out.

"I kind of need to go to lesson please let me get out ?!" I tried to say calmly but it failed.

"No, didn't you hear me before Sophia? I couldn't stay away" he cackled , a smirk forming in his face.

And before I could say anything else I had a blind fold back on my face and cloth around my mouth. I have never been so scared in my life . What were they going to do with me? were they going to hurt me? kidnapped me? or kill me?! Calm down YN there not going to kill you! my head told me.

After a few minutes of driving in silence, the car stopped. I heard doors opening and then someone dragged me out.

Oh he smelt good

Oh shut up YN ! One of the guys took off my blind fold and I realised it was jai. Oh great to be honest I wouldn't mind if it was Luke of beau but jai, he's not in my good books.

I decided to look around and I realised I was on a giant drive way. Luke and beau weren't in sight so I decided to make a run for it. I think I recognised this road but it was surrounded by loads of trees and fields so I maybe it wasn't a good idea to run away. And oh was I right.

When I decided to make a run for it I got my hopes up for nothing. I was running and running down they really long drive way and as I got to the end of it I didn't know which way to turn. But before I could decide Luke and beau popped out in front of me. Where did they come from? I started to slowly walk backwards when suddenly someone grabbed me from behind. Shit I forgot about jai. he put a cloth over my face and I suddenly became very dizzy. Before I knew it I was falling backwards into jai's arms...

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