Chapter 12:

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This is chapter 12 again because it went horribly wrong when I was publishing it. I promise I will read it before I publish next time!

I was suddenly woken up by a loud scream coming from one of my friends, from a room not that far away from me. I tried to get up but I couldn't, it was impossible however I didn't give up.

we were still at the top of the stairs, probably in the same position I was in ten minutes ago with me trapped on the floor and jai straddling me, yet beau and Luke were out of sight.

I was starting to get really frustrated and I my blood was starting to boil. My anger was taking over me and my whole body started to stiffen.

"Don't get so angry, that's not gonna get you anywhere" jai whispered in a husky, seductive tone, like he had just woken up.

My anger was now impossible to control and I had a sudden urge to lash out. "Get of me now!" I screamed whilst slapping him across the face. next thing I knew, he was grabbing me harshly by my upper arms with both of his hands and I was being pushed against the wall. I was frozen, like a statue you could say, with my back firmly pressed against the wall and my hands were forced against my sides.

My emotions changed dramatically from angry and strong, to scared and weak in a matter of seconds.

"P-please just l-leave me a-alone I don't know what you w-want, just leave!" I pleaded, pushing him away from me. I couldn't see much any more, I was crying so hard and more and more tears were forming in the corners of eyes.

I squinted my eyes hard and let the tears fall down my now puffy red cheeks. I carefully put the palms of my hands against the wall, on either side of me as I tried to calm down my breathing.

After a few seconds of calming down and trying to take in what I had just experienced, I opened my eyes. I took note of my surroundings and noticed jai was nowhere to be seen, weird? how could he move so quickly yet so quietly? I'm sure I couldn't of pushed him that hard, could I? I didn't even hear his feet hitting the floor as a sign he was leaving!

I suddenly felt this new, yet familiar feeling in the put of my stomach. And I wasn't sure if it was good, or bad.

It felt strangely new but I knew it felt like I have experienced this feeling before.

I missed his presence.

I quickly remembered what happened a few minutes ago. my palms started to sweat and my heart was beating hard against my chest. jai was straddling me, the thought of me underneath him kind of turned me on.

God what has he done to me? I shouldn't think about him like this! he's one if those boys who leads girls on and uses them for one thing.

I quickly snapped back to reality and decided to go downstairs to see if my friends were there. I tightly gripped onto the banister of the stairs and slowly stepped on each step that appeared I front of my foot.

When I got to the bottom step, my eyes instantly met their lifeless bodies all huddled together on the sofa. I ran over to them and that seemed to get their attention.

"Oh my gosh Sophia are you okay?" abbey sobbed. I quickly nodded in reply and started to walk to the kitchen. I motioned them to follow me and sit around the island whilst I made everyone hot chocolate. They all sat around the kitchen island .They were all chatting amongst them selves whilst I was making the hot cocoa and something didn't feel right. I felt as if someone was watching every move I made.

Loads of questions started making their way to my brain and I started to panick. what if one of the janoskians were still here? did jai never leave? are they going to kill me? what, what if they kill my friends?! I tried to forget the topic whilst I walked over to all of my friends with a tray of hot cocoa on it. a bowl of marshmallows, a can if whipped cream, chocolate bars and cocoa powder were also on the tray. i set the tray down in front of them along with some spoons. I squeezed in between all of my friends on the 4-5 seeted stool which caused me to here sighs and slight laughs. we all picked up our hot chocolates and began to decorate them.


It was about ten minutes later and we still had our hot chocolates hands, me facing all of my friends talking about what we had just experienced.

"Wow Sohpia your very brave, he could of done anything to you!" Abbey said which slightly scared me a bit, and I think she noticed. "uh, sorry I shouldn't of said that." she carried on.

"No it's fine abbey cause it's true, he could of done anything.." I reassured her.

"Yeah" a different voice said from behind me, "I could of done anything"

I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder quite tightly which I found very uncomfortable. I slowly turn my head around and was met with jai's eyes burning into mine.

AN: sorry it's so short and it took me a bit long to write! I didn't really know what to write on the extra part so I'm sorry if it's bad.

Well I hope I got 5 or more votes/comments for encouragement!


Becca xxx

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