chapter 21:

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-I honestly don't know if to carry on this story..

up to now, the night consisted of dancing and drinking. the tipical. we finally got away from the group after a few more rounds of the game. abbey kissing skip, rachael kissing isabel, james kissing luke and jai kissing all of the girls. except me. i could tell by the look on my friends faces they didnt want to kiss him, but they knew they had too. my heart sank a little as i saw him walk away from the group instead of kissing me. but since i was drunk, the hurt feelings gradually went away and i wanted more drinks.

pulling hands off my body, i made my way through the carefree, drunk bodies and into the kitchen. i lost my friends awhile ago, yet it didnt bother me. i knew quite a few people around here so i decided to go up to some of them. recognising this girl in the year below me, i walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder, trying to get her attention.

"yes?" the girl shouted over the music so i was able to hear. i could tell she was drunk. her words we coming out in a jumble, her body was swaying from side to side as she was trying to catch her balance and her eyes were wide and filled with excitement from the amount of alcohol she had consumed over the night.

"do you know where isabel, abbey or rae rae are?" i replied, hoping to get and answer.

"i think they went upstairs, they looked pretty drunk to me" she slurred, waving her drink around.

"you can't really say much" i muttered.


"oh, nothing" i smiled and made my way towards the stars. nearly at the top, i looked back down at her and noticed she was sticking her thumbs up at someone. i followed her gaze and noticed she was looking at and Luke, who was slowly making his way towards the stairs.i carried my way up and down the corridor, running to the very end. i stopped in my tracks and turned around, seeing luke walking very fast towards me with a devilish grin on his face.

I decided to do one of the most silliest things, try and run past him. I took my heels off my feet and held them tightly in my hands, walking at a quick pace towards luke. my face held no emotion and my lips went into a straight line. I was fed up with all the crap I have been dealing with lately and I didn't want to find myself waking up in any of the janoskians bed, so I tried to act stronger than I actually was and run past him. I picked up my speed as I was getting closer to the end of the corridor, closer to him. He was heading left thinking I was going that way too, but at the last second I turned right and ran past him. I devilish smiled crept it's way onto my face as my plan became a success.

I suddenly fallen onto the floor as I ran into something hard, yet it felt soft. I looked up and realised I ran into jai, he was smiling like me running into him at full speed, didn't phase him. He held his hand out for me to take but swatted it away, knowing that I was capable to get up myself.

Jai tutted as I got up on my feet and I looked at him with a confused expression.

"What?" I snapped.

"You didn't let me help you, so now you have to help me." He stated with a grin growing on his face. whereas my face fell and was filled with confusion and terror, a million questions and answers running through my head at want he could possibly want.

"What d-do you want me to.. do?"

"You'll see." he grabbed ahold of my lower arm and pulled me down the stairs, outside to his car.

"Where are we going?" I said whilst putting me seatbelt on.

"My house" what?

"This is your house, isn't it?" I questioned.

"No I'm not that fucking rich"

He put the key in the ignition and sped down the road, his jaw clenched and his hands turned a very pale colour.

I knew coming to the party was a bad idea.

- I think I should make the chappies a little shorter so I can update more frequently, I hope you don't mind.

I'm sorry if this is bad, it's nearly 1am lol.

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