Chapter 22:

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This will be ending soon because I'm not really a big fan of the janoskians anymore and I want to focus on my two other books, the extra and notes.

I'm honestly losing ideas for this book and my imagination is running thin, so I'm sorry if the last few chapters are not the best. i don't understand how the story has reads, it's so bad ( I'm not just saying that for attention, it's true).

And this chapter has smut in it, I've never wrote it before. I hope it's good cause if it's not comment and I will update it to make it better :).

And comment and vote please because you guys can be very inactive. A lot.


*jai's pov*

I knew she was scared. She kept fidgeting next to me in the car and muttering words that I didn't bother to try and understand.

I'm glad she was scared. She didn't know what was going to happen, neither did I. All I know is that I wanted to feel her underneath me, moaning my name.

"We're here" I stated, pulling into the driveway. My house wasn't the biggest, just a simple two- floored building.

"Okay" she mumbled and and got out of the car.

* 3rd person *

Jai searched through his keys trying to find the right one, then opened the door to his home. Sophia followed closely behind, strangely not wanted to loose his contact.

In less than a second, Sophia was pushed against the door, her lips being attacked by jai's own and she felt her knees going weak. Her hands found their way to his head as she started to pull at his hair, the soft texture of it through her knuckles made her smile.

"Jai were drunk" she breathed, thinking about the consequences.

"I'm not" that seemed to persuade her so she kissed him back.

"Jump" jai mumbled against her lips, and she did as she was told. she wrapped her legs around his waist and he gripped firmly onto her thighs holding her up, probably leaving marks for them both to see in the morning.

Jai carried her upstairs towards his room, yet their lips still not disconnecting. She was pushed back into his king sized bed and in less than a second jai was on top of her, slowly pulling down the zip on her dress. Sophia started to pull up his shirt and he moved his lips away from hers, so she could take it off. Their lips re-attached and her hands slid down to his jeans but jai grabbed hold of her writs tightly and put them above her head with force.

Suddenly Sophia was debating if she wanted to take it further or not. She moved her head to the side but jai put his hands through her hair and tilted her head up roughly, so he could kiss her better. She tried to move to the top of the bed but he grabbed her waist and pulled her back down, making Sophia frightened of what could possibly happen next.

"Get off of me!" she turned her head to the side so she could shout. He obeyed her orders and sat down opposite her, at the end of the bed.

"I'm so sorry if I hurt you I, I didn't mean to, okay? I just get a bit, ya know, rough and excited." He sighed, looking truly sorry for his actions. But Sophia knew there was a hint of sarcasm behind his voice.

"It's fine, can you just take me home?"

"You can sleep in here and I will sleep on the couch" he stated and got up off the bed and stormed out of the room. Bipolar much.

A second later, jai was back in the room with a shirt in his hand.

"You can wear this to sleep in, goodnight Sophia" he smiled and gave her his shirt.

"Night" she smiled kindly at him whilst taking the shirt off him. Sophia took her shoes and dress off after jai left the room and replaced the uncomfortable dress with his shirt. His scent filled her senses and her stomach filled with butterflies as she remember what has happened in the night,

So far.

-lol I told you there was gonna be smut but nope. I don't want to rush things since the chapters are not that long. And smut WILL BE SOOONNN.

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