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Sometimes I forget what you told me, what was it? You're just one in a million more, but you forgot that in a million only one gives you the hand. I do not want to pressure you ever. It turns out i'm tired of living for you. I'm abandoning the battle now.
The balance is not sustained only on one side. The day has come for me to revolt and forget you. Kill what makes me sick what i once loved. All this because of you, only you.
You used me as a garment and forgot that when he met me i was lonely. You made me a doll, but now i'm taking over.
You may have made me special, but only i know how to love me. There are things that we prefer to bury. Do not understand me and only the end. End of what we believe. That one day we will understand each other, but do you know what day it will happen?

It is the you want?!!

Poesias De NinguémOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora