Chapter 4 - Pinky Promise;

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The bell signaling it was lunch break finally rang and startled Taeyong. It was Taeyong's first morning as a SOPA student, and he felt like an animal in a cage.

When he faced his new classmates to introduce himself four hours before, he saw girls whispering to each other and blushing whenever he locked eyes with any of them. He also noticed a few guys looking quite annoyed with him. Taeyong didn't really understand why the guys reacted like this. Some acted as if they didn't care, and some acted as if they just wanted him to shut his mouth already. There was no need to expain how awkward Taeyong felt. He felt unwelcomed, and felt like he was more like a burden to his new classmates, than like a new friend.

As his classmates hurriedly walked out of the classroom, Taeyong was stopped from standing up from his seat when two girls linking arms and giggling like there was no tomorrow stood in front of him.

"You're very handsome." The short-haired one complimented him with her cheeks burning red.

"Ah, thanks." Taeyong thanked her feeling more annoyed than thankful.

"Are you single?" The long-haired one asked in a girlish tone.

"I am. Why are you asking?" He asked her now feeling annoyed with the two of them.

Were his looks all that people ever saw in him? Taeyong wondered about this every day. He sure was thankful people complimented his looks, and thought of him as a handsome young man, but he was annoyed that's all people ever saw in him. He didn't always look like this. Taeyong could still remember the days when he was a chubby kid whom no one wanted to play with. It was always about his looks. In the past, people didn't want to play with him because he was chubby, and now girls only approached him thinking he looked handsome, while boys avoided him. He was growing sick of it.

"Do you want to eat lunch with me? We could get to know each other and-"

"And?" Taeyong interrupted her abruptly.

"Maybe we could date if we think we like each other?"

"Excuse me?" He felt dumbfounded.

"I like you, do you want to be my boyfriend?" She asked shamelessly.

Taeyong smirked at her words, feeling exasperated. "I don't know you." He replied coldly.

"That's why I said we could get to know each other while eating." She smirked in such a flirty manner that it irritated him.

"Look I-"

"Taeyong! What are you still doing here? I was waiting for you!" He heard a familiar voice calling for him from the door. The familiar voice surprised him so much he was at loss for words.

"What are you doing? Come quickly or there won't be any good table left!" She said cheerfully. "Taeyong?"

She walked to the back of the classroom to his seat, feeling worried about him not replying, nor moving at all.

"Are you ok?" She asked him concernedly.

"Let's go Minah..." The girl with the short hair told her friend.

"I see. You must be from SM. No wonder." The girl with the long hair rolled her eyes and walked out of the classroom along with her friend leaving Taeyong dumbfounded.

Taeyong turned his head to face Seulgi who was now standing next to him.

"What did they mean by this?" Seulgi furrowed her eyebrows. "So what if you're from SM? What's wrong with it?"

"Forget it. They must be jealous." Taeyong chuckled and stood up.

"What did they want? Did they bully you?" Seulgi gasped while looking at him with her eyes wide open.

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