Chapter 22 - Japan (3);

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August 15, 2016 (6:14 am)

The first light of morning made its appearance in the sky of Japan's capital and marked the beginning of a new day. People already were on their way to work, traffic already becoming busy. While morning people were woken up one by one by the sun shinning through the windows, a woman, unlike the others, was slowly woken up by the feeling of an intense warmth enveloping her body.

Seulgi slowly opened her tired eyes and closed them almost immediately as the sun's strong light that was piercing through the windows blinded her. She felt like she could fall back to sleep easily if it wasn't for how hot she felt. She appreciated her body's morning numbness as she kept her eyes closed, her senses slowly waking up along with her.

A few minutes later, the young woman opened her eyes again, and blinked a few times as her eyes steadily adapted to daylight. Morning's calm and peace was one of Seulgi's favorite moments of the day. She appreciated the silence of her room while the city was busy already outside her windows.

She yawned and tried stretching her body, but was unable to as she felt weight around her body. She slowly peeked down at her body under the bed sheets and was slightly startled by the sight of two strong arms embracing her waist. What startled her more was the sight of her naked body under the blanket. It was when she recalled everything that had happened the previous night. How Taeyong had come to her room because he was worried about her, how he had made her heart flutter, how they had passionately kissed, how he had kissed her bare skin and made her feel thousands of butterflies in her stomach, and most importantly, how they had made love.

She shivered a bit as she felt his breath on the skin of her nape, realizing how close his body was to hers. She blushed a bit and her body instantly tensed up. She was naked in the arms of the man she was in love with for four years now, and he was holding her tightly in his arms, his warm breath hitting the back of her neck.

"Great Kang Seulgi... You really just gave your virginity to a man you're not even dating..." She mentally scolded herself, feeling the weight of disappointment as the man she loved so much, the man she had given herself to, wasn't truly hers.

It was when she thought back of the previous night that she realized it did not hurt as much as she thought it would. She had always heard losing your virginity would hurt, so why didn't it hurt as much as she expected it to? It did hurt a bit at very first, the intruding feeling being very new to her. But the pain didn't last as long as she thought it would. The pain was replaced by a sweet sensation of pleasure after a little while. Seulgi blushed at thought of it and covered her eyes as a smile was painted on her face.

Did it hurt less than expected because of how gentle and careful Taeyong was? She thought it probably was the reason. She was grateful Taeyong was careful not to hurt her too much, thankful of how he always made sure to relax her tensed up body under his loving kisses and his gentle caresses, grateful of how he had made of her first time an incredible and loving experience she could only cherish.

"Wait. What am I going to do when he wakes up?" Seulgi face palmed as her cheeks quickly reddened at the realization. "What am I going to tell him? How am I supposed to face him?" Her eyes widened a bit as she felt fully unable to face the young man after what had happened between them. She blushed more upon realizing their naked bodies made things even more embarrassing to her. That was it; she couldn't face him yet.

Seulgi bit her lips as she gently, and as slowly and silently as possible, grabbed Taeyong's arm that was tightly wrapped around her body and slowly lifted it in the air.


"Oh my God!" She jumped in startle as a groan escaped Taeyong's lips.

She held her chest as she tried to calm herself down, and went for another attempt to escape his arms a couple of seconds later. Seulgi slowly tried to sit down on the bed making sure not to make any sound that could wake the young man up. She deeply exhaled in relief once she finally managed to do so, a small smile tugging on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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