Chapter 10 - It's my treat;

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February 2014

Taeyong hurriedly walked to the practice room that Seulgi was practicing in, two magazines in hand. He bowed to the few people he met on the way, a smile plastered on his face. Once he stood in front of the door, he stuck his ear to the door in attempt to hear whether the girls were finished with practicing or not. When he realized no music was playing anymore, he impatiently knocked on the door.

"Come in!" He heard a weak Seulgi responding to his knocks.

He opened the door and moved his head in-between the slightly opened door to check who was in the room, only to find a tired Seulgi laying on her back on the hard floor.

"It's me. Am I bothering?" He asked, worried he might bother his exhausted senior.

Seulgi sat up and moved her gaze on him. "You're not. You can come in." She flashed a smile.

Taeyong walked in the room and closed the door behind in a bit of too much of a hurry. The door made a loud thug when it closed, startling the young two.

"Oops." Taeyong stared at the door still feeling frightened.

"What's wrong with you today? Why are you so careless?" Seulgi's loud laughs brought him back to reality.

"I guess I wasn't careful enough..." He shyly smiled while rubbing the back of his nape with his free hand.

"I guessed that much." Seulgi snorted with laughter. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Right." A wide smile spread on his face. "I have to show you something." He quickly walked up to her and sat down next to her.

"What is it?" Seulgi asked curiously.

Taeyong placed "OhBoy!" and "The Celebrity" February issues down in front of her. "They both came out." He said excitely.

"Oh my God!" She quickly grabbed the "OhBoy!" one and went through the pages looking for the pages dedicated to them quickly. "Oh!" She placed the magazine on her lap and pointed at the page that showed Joohyun, Taeyong and her. "Look!"

"I know." He smiled at her cute reaction.

"Did you see them already?" She happily asked.

"I did. I just couldn't wait." He answered with a shy smile.

"Psh. You could have waited for me." She faked a pout.

"But I brought it to you!" He nudged her arm playfully.

"You're half forgiven then."

"Half? Why not fully?"

"Because you should've seen the pictures together with me."

"Sorry..." Taeyong looked down feeling sorry. "What should I do to be fully forgiven then?" He turned his gaze up on her.

"Mmmh..." She tapped her index finger on her chin while thinking. "I think you should treat me." She said with a grin on her face.

"Aren't you the one who's supposed to treat me since you will debut first?" He chuckled.

"Come on, your senior is hungry." Taeyong rolled his eyes at her words.

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