Chapter 13 - Stop;

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The petite older young woman walked up to him with a big smile spread on her face.

"Are you ready to go?" Taeyong asked her once she stood in front of him.

"Let's go!" Seulgi replied in a cheering tone making Taeyong chuckle.

"Are you excited?"

"I'm hungry." She gave a goofy smile as the two walked out of the building which they still filmed in a couple of minutes ago.

"Tsk." He flicked his tongue. "And I thought you were excited to hang out with me." He teased.

"I am!" She replied in shock. "I really am! Don't misunderstand!"

"What if I don't believe you? You totally could be saying this only so I wouldn't feel upset." He kept on with the teasing, amused at Seulgi's shocked and worried face expression.

"I swear I'm not! I'm really happy to hang out with you." She said as she tugged on his arm. "You believe me, right?" Her aegyo came out with a pouty face expression that Taeyong didn't know how to deal with.

He felt his heart stop as he saw the older girl pout while clinging on his arm. Shit Kang Seulgi... He thought as he found himself unable to reply. "Taeyoooooong," she called out his name in the cutest way, "You believe me, right? Right? Hm?" Her aegyo jumped out and Taeyong swore that if he could, he'd throw himself under a bus as he saw her moving her body like a new-born baby bird.

"W-What's wrong with you?" He asked, feeling his heart skipping a beat or two as she held the eye contact with him.

"You believe me, right? I'm really happy to go out with you." She baby talked before pouting again, looking like a child who was trying to convince her parents to get her the newest toy that came out.

"I-I believe you!" He moved his arm out of her grip and faked a cough in embarrassement before looking at her disappointed pouty face again. "S-Stop looking at me like that." He said feeling quite uneasy.

"You really believe me, right?" She asked again.

"I-I do!" He replied before looking away in awkwardness.

"Yay!" He jumped in startlement when she held his arm again and linked arms with him, an excited smile on her face. "Shall we go now? I'm really hungry."

"L-Let's go!" He said before he caught sight of a free taxi driving in their direction.

He pulled his free arm up to call for it, and the taxi slowed down before stopping in front of them. He opened the car's door. "Ladies first." He awkwardly said, not daring to look at her.

Seulgi released her grip on his arm. "I see chivalry isn't fully dead yet." She replied with a smile before getting in the car.

Taeyong took a deep breath before getting in the car as well. He closed the car's door carefully before looking at the driver who was looking at him with a questioning look. 

"Where should I take you?" The driver asked. 

"Right. To the restaurant 'Chicken in the Kitchen' please." Taeyong politely told him.

"Oooh that's one very good restaurant! I went there with my wife and children last weekend." The driver said happily as he started driving to the restaurant.

"Do they serve tasty food Mister?" Seulgi asked enthusiastically.

"Very! We ate really well. I wanted to take my family out for dinner last Saturday night because I don't get to spend a lot of time because of my job, and I was told to take them there, so I did, and I absolutely didn't regret it! I wondered why everything tasted so good, and I heard they make all their meals, sides and sauces from scratch using fresh and local ingredients! No wonder everything tasted so delicious!" He replied with a smile on his face.

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