Chapter 6 - Problematic post;

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Two days later

It was a chilly Friday when Taeyong found himself facing Seulgi and a friend of hers that she, really, wanted to introduce to him.

Taeyong and the tall young man were sitting down awkwardly around a table in the school's restaurant with a couple of other students' curious eyes glued on them. The two felt desperate enough to escape this weird situation, yet felt scared enough of Seulgi to stay still. While the tall one felt scared of her scolding him in front of everyone, putting his reputation at risk, Taeyong was just afraid of disappointing his caring senior if he left.

Seulgi always wanted to introduce her friend to Taeyong, despite him being her age and not Taeyong's. But they were in the same school, so they also should get along and be friends, right?

Seulgi texted Taeyong offering him to have lunch with her, and he accepted right away. She knew it would be harder to convince her age-mate friend, so she told him she accepted to explain to him the lessons he missed and failed to understand, as a bait. She always liked helping people who didn't understand the lessons, but she hated helping him. Or more like she always failed to help him since he never really focused, or even tried to understand anything that she was trying hard to explain to him. The weirdest thing was that he always refused asking for help to other students. He said "it will affect my image if people think I'm stupid." She knew that if she texted him she would help him out, he would accept to have lunch with her right away.

And that's how the three of them ended up in this pretty awkward situation. It was quiet as none of the two men dared to speak, and her friend's behavior started to annoy her. She attempted to make him talk by faking a cough, but he wouldn't budge.

Is he stupid or is he doing it on purpose? She wondered while staring at her friend hoping he would catch on her signals.

After failing to catch his attention for five long and awkward minutes, she rolled her eyes and sighed. "So this is my friend I've been wanting to introduce you to! But he misses school so much that it was difficult for it to happen sooner. The day finally came!" She said as she eyed her friend who checked a pretty student passing by out. She elbowed him hard enough for him to finally turn his attention to her, which worked. When he felt pain in his arm, he turned his head right away to glare at her, but was welcomed by her glaring eyes already. "Introduce yourself." She ordered.

He rolled his eyes at his friend's order but faced the younger man anyway. "Hi. I'm Sehun."

Taeyong gulped at the sudden introduction and played with his fingers under the table. He inhaled deeply and stood straight on his seat. "I'm Lee Taeyong. It's very nice to meet you! I'm a big fan." He introduced himself attempting to sound cheerful enough.

Sehun chuckled a bit at the younger one's reaction. "You don't need to sit so straight."

"Oh, yes sunbae-nim." Taeyong finally sat in a more comfortable position and met Seulgi's eyesmile making him feel a bit less embarrassed.

"Drop the formalities. I'm still a rookie and we're only a year apart." Sehun ordered cooly.

"Oh... Alright." Taeyong replied awkwardly.

"So that's it! I'm happy you two could finally meet!" Seulgi said as she clasped her hands in excitement. "I thought it would never happen since Sehun rarely is at school because of his schedule."

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