Chapter 18 - Consequences;

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March 2015

It was a chilly evening of March when a blonde petite woman was walking happily to one of the many practice rooms of SM Entertainment. Her hair were swinging along with her excited child-like steps, moving forward whenever she bowed to anyone she met, greeting cheerfully anyone she met. Her phone in her hands, she paused in front of the door of the practice room at the sound of a loud hip-hop music that could be heard through the door. The hallways of the floor were empty of life, and it most likely was because it was past 0 am.

She sighed as she clung onto her phone tighter, knowing exactly why there was music being played from the inside of the room that late at night. She stared at the door for a while, thinking of how she was going to make her entrance in the room. 

Should I go in quietly? No he would see me... Should I wait for the music to end before going in? The young woman asked herself many questions, not knowing exactly what to do. She sometimes was about to open the door, but sighed and stepped back keeping it closed whenever she lost the confidence to open it. This lasted a couple of seconds until the music stopped abruptly, a loud thud following it. 

The young woman jumped in surprise at the sudden loud noise and she roughly opened the door. She sighed at the sight of a the young man she cherished so much miserably sitting down on the floor, his head in his hands. The now silent room was filled with the sound of his loud panting. She entered the room and quietly closed the door behind her.

Her previous excitement was now replaced with concern, worry, and sadness. Seeing the young man who was just so precious to her looking so defeated was just too painful of a sight for her. As her eyes wandered around the room, they fell on a plastic water bottle that was on the floor, far enough from the man for her to understand the bottle probably was the reason of the loud thud she had heard before. She sighed again and walked to the filled up bottle that was laying on the floor after harshly being thrown to the floor. She grabbed the plastic bottle and turned around to the young man. She bit the inside of her cheek knowing today must have been yet another difficult day for the young man. 

She took a deep breath and walked to the young man who was sitting down hiding his face. She quietly sat down on the cold floor in front of the man. 

"Look at me." She warmly instructed.

The young man kept his head in his hands, not moving to look at her unlike she instructed. She stared at his miserable figure, hearing his loud breathing getting ragged. His hair were wet of all the sweat his body let out after he practiced for probably way longer than he should have. Her eyes fell on his arms that looked sweaty, and traveled to his hands. She noticed how the veins in his arms and hands looked unusually visible. She immediately smiled at the sight of his very visible veins, remembering that her member Seungwan had a thing for men whose veins were visible on their hands and arms. She still remembered the fact she immediately thought of Taeyong after Seungwan had told her about what attracted her the most, and she still remembered Seungwan telling her she had nothing to worry about, that she wasn't going to steal Taeyong away from her. She remembered the scene she had made, trying to convince everyone she didn't care and that Seungwan could have Taeyong if she wanted. She remembered trying to convince everyone, herself included, that she just saw him as a little brother she just cared for a lot.

A lot of things had changed since then. Their kiss being something that just changed everything. Ever since their kiss happened, such intimate skinship never happened again. As Seulgi had predicted, Taeyong indeed tried pushing her away. He did everything to push her away. He took his distances with her. But as she promised to herself, she never gave up. She still did everything she could to take care of him, if not more than she ever did before. She called him every time she could, made sure he ate, and made sure he took care of himself. Ever since the rumors of him having scammed people started, other rumors started as well. There were rumors of him bullying people at school and mocking girls, judging their looks. There were rumors of him saying all kinds of things, and doing all kinds of things. The worst was that people just believed everything they were served, never even wondering whether everything that was said was true or not. No matter what was said about what he would have said or done, people just believed it all. 

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