Chapter Eight

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A/N: Evrain in the Media

Chapter Eight

I hated teleportation with a passion. I had no idea how Aiden did it all the time. It felt like you were tumbling through eternal darkness, whispers coming from every direction. I felt hot and cold at the same time all while feeling like I had the very breath ripped from my chest. Falling. Falling. Falling; for what seemed like hours, when I knew it was only for a few seconds. I didn't know when it would end but I was vaguely aware of one thing. Aiden's arms wrapped tightly around me. I was supposed to be angry at him, not reveling in the feeling of security that his arms provided. It was like my brain and my heart was in constant battle with each other.

My feet finally hit solid ground after what felt like forever, but my legs felt like jelly. They trembled as I collapsed on the ground, arms reaching wildly for Aiden who was supposed to be right next to me. Where is he? I checked my watch on my wrist. It was four in the freaking morning.

"Whoa, there," a light, playful and youthful voice said as I was suddenly hauled to my feet. Strong steady hands steadied me as I took in my surroundings, but it took me a while as the room I was extremely dim, making it harder for my eyes to focus.

"Wh- where am I? Where's Aiden?" I desperately searched around what looked like a theatre but without any seats. There were red velvet curtains lining the walls and my ragged breath echoed throughout the empty space.

"You don't need to fret about that," the other guy said in an annoyingly cheery voice. I really was not in the mood. "He's just gone to announce your arrival. So, you're Nicholas?"

Once my eyes fully adjusted to the darkness, my eyes made out a young face, around eighteen years old, and wide blue eyes framed by dark rimmed glasses. I had never seen him before in my entire life, but I was beyond the point of surprise. I had gotten used to the fact that a lot of strangers pretty much knew more about myself than I did.

The room stopped spinning but I didn't dare let my guard down. I had learned by that point in time not to trust anyone. To let your guard down was to allow yourself to be vulnerable, and I had too much at risk to be vulnerable.

"Who are you?" I demanded, shooting the boy a daring glare. "Where is Aiden?"

The boy stuck out a hand, smiling widely at me and at first, I didn't accept the handshake. The boy was too open and too kind. But when his warm smile didn't falter, I reached out a hesitant hand and we shook. "I'm Evrain Adams, a trainee at Heroes Inc. Nice to meet you finally, Nick Daley."

"Heroes Inc...?"

He gave me a 'duh' look. "Yeah, a safe haven for people with special abilities like you and I. People who want to save the world and shit."

"You must be mistaken. I don't have any-"

"Nick!" My head snapped towards Aiden who was walking towards us, his dark eyes focusing on me before sliding over to Evrain, who still had that bright smile. His pureness and innocence just radiated off of him.

"Where the fuck have you been? Evrain, I thought I told you to take him to the briefing room."

"Oh, that's right," Evrain blushed and stared at the ground. It was obvious that this kid looked up to Aiden. "I'm sorry. I forgot. I guess I got a little excited..."

I kind of felt bad for the kid, but all of my thoughts were brushed away as Aiden came and stood painstakingly close to me, but I couldn't let my attraction towards the man show anymore than it already had. I had to let go of my feelings if I were to continue down this path. There was no time for distractions.

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