Chapter Fourteen

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Media: In My Head- Peter Manos.

Hey guys! So, I've created a Sims 4 character to try and represent what Nick would be like. I think I did an alright job. And, I also made Aiden in his suit... but I couldn't find a good Custom Content for his suit, so just ignore the Flash sign.

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Chapter Fourteen

"You're staying here."

My mouth fell open, and I stared at Kadmos. "I'm what- no, I'm going with you!"

"No, you are staying right here and that's final."

I stared Kadmos dead in the eye and made a move to go around him, to which he only blocked my way by taking a tiny step. I tried the other way, which he blocked again. I had to physically refrain from stomping and huffing like a child. This was my mother we were going to rescue and I wanted to be there when that happened. But at the same time, a small part of me was kind of relieved that I wasn't going. After the meeting, my mind ran circles around itself, thinking of all possible negatives. Like, what condition would my mother be in? Would she even still be alive? Ashton had promised to lead us to her, but he had never promised that she'd be unharmed or even alive.

I heard a snicker from behind me. "It's for the better. Just let the professionals do their jobs," Aiden snarked, moving past Kadmos.

"Aiden," Kadmos demanded, not looking back. Aiden halted his steps. "You're staying as well. You have to keep an eye on him."

"No!" We both said at the same time.

Kadmos had glared at both of us intently, his green eyes flashing an unnatural color, but they looked so animalistic that I felt like prey trapped in a corner. "I don't want to repeat myself," he said, his voice sounding calm but his face daring any protests. "You two will stay here. It's not safe for any of us if you join us, Nick. We don't know what condition your mother is in so it's best for you to wait until we return.

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