Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Yo guys, waddup?! I just want to say, that if you want to receive news about upcoming chapters, then please follow me. I do post announcements about the progress of the chapters and really only that, so you don't have to worry about spam. And please, if you are enjoying this story and know someone else who may enjoy it, please share it with them!


Anyways, I've been thinking of putting in break chapters in-between where it's just showing the characters having fluffy moments that aren't directly related to the story line. Kind of like in a manga, where you have the main stories but then you also have the extras... Kind of like that. If y'all like that idea, comment or message me.  I always respond.

On with the story.

Chapter Fifteen


To say that I was confused would be an understatement. I was still pissed at Aiden, but I was also extremely sexually frustrated, yet there I was, curled up at Aiden's side with his arm slung over my shoulder like we were all lovey-dovey. We yet had news from the others, so what else was there to do? Besides tearing each other's faces off -or each other's clothes- there wasn't much else. So, we settled for Netflix -a horror movie to be exact- in my room... But I could tell that neither of us was really paying attention.

Trying to ignore the uncomfortable half-boner I was sporting, I turned my attention back to the movie, trying so hard to pay attention. It just came to the part of the movie where one of the girls was woken by her sister sleepwalking and there was this demon witch thing above the wardrobe. I jumped when the lady pounced onto her.

Aiden chuckled, his thumb rubbing distracting circles against my shoulder. "Pussy," he whispered amusingly.

"Shut up," I grumbled. "I'm not a fucking pussy."

Aiden snickered, now running his hand up and down along the length of my arm. I've seen enough porn to know what was on his mind.

His lips brushed my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "Then why are you closing your eyes for?"

I opened my eyes, but since I was facing him rather than the small laptop screen, I caught a glimpse of that small fucking bruise on the side of his neck, redder than before. It was seemingly taunting me, and I felt the familiar urge to bite it again. But, especially when I was in my right(ish) mind, I knew that I technically had no right towards Aiden. As much as it hurt me to even think it, he wasn't mine. He was right with what he said before... we really weren't anything and I was too much of a coward to ask for more. 

He must've noticed the change in my atmosphere because a sudden annoyingly cute frown appeared on his face. "Nick? What's wrong?" He noticed where I was staring and his expression darkened. "Nothing happened, pumpkin."

I raised my eyebrow. "It's okay, you don't have to explain-"

"Yes, I do. Especially when I want to be-"

He was cut off by hurried yells behind the door of staff members. I heard my mother's name amongst the chaos and dashed for the door. Almost as soon as I opened it, I almost crashed into one of the staff members carrying medical supplies.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" I heard Maree exclaim, and I saw that she too was confused amongst the chaos.

"They're back," one of the staff members merely said as she ran towards the infirmary. Maree looked at me for a quick second, before dashing after the staff member. I didn't waste any time in following them and I didn't have to look back to know that Aiden was following close behind.

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