Chapter Nine

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A/N Nick in the media

Chapter Nine

I had a plan. Okay, I had like a half of a plan... alright, I was planning to make a plan, but either way, I was going to find my mom. I knew that it was all kinds of stupid, but for some reason, it just felt really wrong just sitting in that plain room with the single bed, small desk, and a dresser. I wanted nothing more than to just be back at my apartment, and to apologize to my bed for all the times I called it uncomfortable.

My bag was packed lightly, an extra change of clothing, some protein bars and a bottle of water with some of my cash. I didn't know how far I was from my mother, but if I had to force Aiden to teleport me to exactly where I want to go, then I will.

Looking around me in the confined room, I had my doubts. What if something had already happened to her and I was too late. Then I would definitely get my revenge in one way or the other.

I was surprised at how big the place actually was. It seemed like the basement stretched further than the cinema and seemed to stretch out for miles, as if it were underneath an entire town, which I wouldn't be surprised if it was. But that cause another problem for me- I didn't know where the exit was. I guess it was wishful thinking when I thought that if I looked at the walls, there would be signs pointing me exactly where to go, but when Aiden brought me to my room before, I saw nothing of the sort. Just framed pictures of some old people that I had never even heard of in my life.

Sighing, I slung the backpack over one shoulder, and the first goal I had was to find Aiden and to somehow convince him to take me to the Hospital. If I went there, I could try and track my mother from then on. Maybe even ask Ashton if he knew anything about her whereabouts.

The big metal door hissed closed behind me as I searched the dark hallways that a bunch of dorms was lined. I had talked to Maree before about my plans, and unsurprisingly, she didn't discourage me. The hallways always seemed to be empty, but with the amount of technology in this place, I wouldn't be surprised if they were keeping a close eye on me. But I didn't care. I couldn't stay here while my mother could be in trouble.

I was looking desperately for a big green EXIT sign; surely they had some fire exits here, right?

As I walked further down the big cold corridor, I did pass some people in lab coats, but they didn't even spare me a second glance. I've experienced enough to know that that was a little bit suspicious. I rounded a corner, still looking back as one of the lab coats people walked straight pass me and walked into a hard surface with an 'oof'.

"And just where do you think you're going, pumpkin?" That deep voice asked, belonging to none other than Mr. Chan himself.

"I'm looking for the bathroom," I lied quickly. Which was unnecessary since I needed to talk to him anyway.

"No you're not," Aiden said simply, crossing his lean arms across his equally lean chest.

"And how would you know?"

"Because you have that look on your face."

I subconsciously reached a hand to my face. "What look?"

"That look. Like you're about to do something you know is wrong. That's the exact same face you had when you tried to cheat in that mock exam I assigned you."

"Wha- I didn't try to-" Then I remembered trying to write some important dates and quotes on a small piece of paper, then rolled it into my pen. I chuckled a little at how furious Aiden was. "Oh, yeah. I so would've gotten away with that."

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