Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: Sorry guys... I was so busy with mid-terms. I have another two essays due in 4 days. But, to make up for my absence, I've written an extra long chapter for y'all. I think it's the longest chapter in the book so far. So as always, tell me what you think and thank you always for supporting me and motivating me to write more. Without you, this book wouldn't have even survived this long. I've even created a bit for the second book ;) I've got the book cover finished and everything. I will release that on the Epilogue of this book, which isn't too far away.

Anyway, if you want a question answered in a YouTube video, just comment your questions on here or PM me. I always respond.

Enjoy xx


Chapter Twenty-Four

Earlier that morning- around two a.m.-, Kadmos had gathered a meeting to finalize what the game plan was. To make sure that everyone was aware of the game plan and that no one would interfere... no matter what - and I personally thought he was directing that statement towards Aiden. But what was planned was final. We all knew what had to happen. I knew, and for the first time in my life... I had felt that purpose that I felt lacking in those days of stacking canned fruits. At least I now knew what my destiny was.

Destiny... I never really liked that word. It suggested that your whole life was already set in stone, and no matter how much you thought you had control over your life, destiny was the thing that proved you wrong. But, I knew that what I had to do tonight was what I was made for. And I knew that every small shitty thing that happened in my life had led me to this very moment. I was going to save the world, even if it resulted in my death.

Clammy, sweaty hands covered my eyes as I was led down some cold, metal corridor in the HQ. Evrain had told me that he had a surprise for me. Something that he had been working on for a while, but he never really got the chance... or the courage to show me.

"Dude, are we almost there yet? Your hands are super sweaty, man. No offence."

Evrain chuckled, his cold sweaty fingers twitching a little. "Don't worry, Nick, we're almost there."

We stopped for a while and I heard the mechanical hiss of doors opening before I could sense us being engulfed in darkness.

"Uh, is this the part where you murder me?"

"No," and I could almost hear the eye-roll in his voice. "You can open your eyes now, smart ass."

He removed his hand and it took a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but when I did, my eyes focused to the illuminated glass container in the middle of the dark room. And on the inside was a suit on a mannequin, white with black intricate designs coming around the ribs of the suit that matched the markings on my arms. It was body tight and absolutely... beautiful.

Shell-shocked, I turned back to Evrain who was tapping his foot nervously, waiting anxiously for a response.


"Do you like it? I mean, I made it with carbon fibre, weaved intricately with metal from Kadmos' home planet called Stecium. It's kind of like Vibranium from the Marvel Comic Universe, but a lot better. It's flexible, warm and absolutely bulletproof, fireproof and waterproof. It will also help contain I know it may not look the best-"

I laughed and shook my head. "Evrain, stop. I love it so much." I placed my hand against the glass, imagining the suit on me... and it just felt so right. Like I was born to wear it. "You made this?"

Evrain sheepishly nodded. "Yeah, but Aiden helped with the design a little."


"Yep. I was planning to put black stripes along the arms, y'know because you have Mime powers. But, Aiden wanted your marks. He thought they were a better representation of you."

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