Chapter Ten

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A/N: Aiden in the media!! He's freaking gorgeous.

Chapter Ten

We were teleported into the briefing room, but I was still fuming. Aiden should've let me kill the damn bastard. I must admit, however, I wasn't sure where that sudden blood lust came from. But that was the least of my worries. Ashton was. And to think I trusted him and actually thought he was someone I could maybe have a relationship with. Wait until I rubbed this one in Maree's face.

Aiden wasn't in the room when I looked around, but I guessed he was taking that beaten up guy to the interrogation room.

"That was quick," Kadmos said from one of the seats. "I was expecting you all to be out longer than that. So, where is she?"

"She wasn't there," Evrain whispered, trying so hard to avoid my father's eyes. He was back to normal now. No claws and no white.

I clenched my jaw and had to refrain from yelling in frustration. "I know who took her. His name is Ashton Waters, a transfer student at my school."

"And he's an ass." A voice said from behind me. I hadn't realized Aiden had entered the room until he stood right next to me. "I knew he was too perfect. Oh, and his thug is in the interrogation room. They're going to start... extracting information soon. Just waiting for the all clear, sir."

Kadmos nodded, glancing quickly at Evrain then clearing his throat. "So, this Ashton kid. What do we know about him?"

"I've already tried to do some background searches on the guy, but it's like he wiped all information about himself. It doesn't say anything about his previous school or about where he lives," Aiden snickered. "All he has is a parking ticket but that was from parking on the school's loading zone."

I stared at Aiden in disbelief, and in all honesty, I was a little turned on. He said that the Aiden at school was all part of his facade, but I could see some of that Aiden coming through. The Aiden that was straight to the point and didn't muck around. No matter what Aiden denied, I still knew that he wasn't hiding all of his true self. And my mouth watered as I thought back on that little sexy smirk he'd always give me.

Aiden caught my eye as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. I huffed and took a seat at the big table.

"We need a plan, ASAP. We find Ashton, we find my mom and we find the douchebag that wants to end the world with the Heart. Then we kick his ass."

Aiden gracefully sat down next to me and stretched out his long and slender legs, throwing an arm across the back of my seat.

"Calm down, feisty," he chuckled, "We don't even know where he is, so we need to wait until after the interrogation, okay pumpkin?"

Then something clicked, something that I knew would definitely help us, and I was mentally thanking Ashton. Oh, gods, why didn't I think of this before? I brightened up and sat up straight.

"Okay, that transition was really creepy," Evrain stated. "Why is he smiling like that? Wait, I think that's a smile." He turned to Kadmos who looked as confused. "That's a smile, right? Looks painful."

"That's his smile when he thinks he's thought of something smart," Aiden clarified for everyone. "What's your stupid thought, Daley?"

"It's not stupid," I argued. "Why do we need to go and find him? Why don't we make him come to us?"


"He has a point," my father said after a long pause that was making me feel stupid. "But the only problem is how are we going to do that?"

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