Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N: So, here it is! The chapter we all have been waiting for. Sorry for the long wait, but this chapter is mother freaking long, so I apologize again. 

Before we get into it, again, I'm looking for questions to answer in a YouTube video. If you have questions about the book, or about me or you're looking for advice or something, just comment or PM me xx

Please vote and give me feedback. Thank you to all of those who have read this book as it has motivated me this far. I literally would've given up ages ago if it weren't for you guys.

Enjoy xx

Chapter Twenty-Five


They were retreating. Every single one of Kadmos' followers just seemed to halt their attacks towards us and made their way towards the mansion. The Supers stood dumbfounded for a second before they woke up from their trance and chased after the fleeing enemies. Some flying, but most running.

"Don't let them get to that house!" Someone -I wasn't sure who- shouted amongst the confused supers.

I was still in my animal form so I had managed to run to the front lines- except for the few Supers that had super speed. But even those with super speed were too late. A large dome made of pure energy materialized around the mansion, allowing all of Kronos' followers in, but whenever Supers tried to enter, it was like fighting against a brick wall.

"Shit," Kadmos cursed from beside me. "It's that kid with the shield powers."

Every single Super that was there crowded around the dome, each trying with their abilities to try and penetrate the wall, but to no avail. It was all in vain.

Speaking of the devil, Ashton walked out of the front door and made his way down the stone steps, a disgusted look in his eyes as he surveyed us all. He stopped right at the edge of the dome, so close that I could almost smell the victory he felt. I wanted to tear his face off with my teeth and taste his blood on my tongue. I curled my lips back, sending him a hungry glare and a low snarl.

"Hello, kitty," Ashton spoke with much poison. "Although it was rather amusing seeing you all fight like children on the playground, I really do have thank you for bringing my dearest Nick back to me. And some leverage, too."

Kadmos didn't make a sound and the rest of the Supers were staring down Ashton, but he didn't bat an eyelash.

If Kadmos wasn't going to say anything, I sure as hell was going to. Due to hours of practice, turning back to human form was quick, easy and painless. I had also created a suit that appeared when I turned back to my normal form. In a split second, I was standing on two feet. I wasn't that same unsure, awkward teenage boy. I knew I had a purpose, and that purpose was to help save the fucking world.

"Rain," Kadmos whispered, grabbing my arm as I made a move towards the very front of the crowd so that I could come face to face with that bastard. "The plan was to get Nick inside of there. He's inside. We can do nothing but to hope that Nick will succeed, and I don't have a doubt in my mind that he will."

It wasn't like I didn't register Kadmos' words. I did hear them, and I did process them. The only problem was that Ashton was still standing there with that smug look on his face, and how dare he look down on us, when he was the coward, cowering behind his protective shield.

I shook off Kadmos' hand and advanced to the front of the crowd. Ashton easily towered over my five-foot-eight frame, but I wasn't intimidated. Not in the slightest.

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