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Millie's POV
Well today is the day I have to spend eight hours with Finn. Honestly I am ok with it kind of... I don't know for some reason I get nervous around him now and he's actually quite nice especially since he didn't let all the heat from that stupid principal David, I swear he acts like my dad.

I walk into the school library because that's where detention is held on the weekends and notice Finn sitting on a chair at a table with his phone.

"How the hell did you get your phone here?" I ask lying my whole body on the table.

"Hello to you to." He chuckles making me groan

"Fine I left my phone in the library yesterday on purpose so I could get through that detector thing." He says shutting off his phone.

"Where is harbour anyway?" I ask sitting myself up on the table staring him in the eyes, his eyes are so magical, they make me feel found even though I get lost in them every time I look in them.

"He's staying in his office the whole day apparently." He sighs

"Dude no way!" I shout

"What?" He asks in bemusement

"We can walk round the school dumbass." I say rolling my eyes at his obliviousness.

"I don't know, what happens if he's walking around as well?" He asks sounding unsure

"We'll run away wolfie! Come on." I say grabbing his hand and trailing him with me, at the sudden contact it sends small sparks up my body, our hands are literally meant for each other. SHUT UP.

"Where are you taking me Brown?" He asks smirking

"You'll have to wait and see." I say teasingly still holding his hand.

"Don't tell me it's the janitors closet to make out with me." He asks trailing off.

"You wish." I say shaking my head no earning a chuckle from him.


"Finally we are here!" I shout earning an echo from the huge room

"The swimming pool?" He asks very confused

"Yes." I say in a 'duh' tone

"Why?" He asks curiously

"Because I need to show you something." I say flirtatiously, grabbing him by his shirt, making him smirk.

"Do you want to know what it is?" I ask innocently

"What is it?" He whispers

"THIS!" I shout throwing him into the pool

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU DORK!" He shouts getting out of the pool chasing me out of the room.

"Give me a hug!" He shouts running behind me, laughing hard I immediately stop at the sight in front of me.

"Run." I whisper yell to him because I just saw Mr harbour bending down to fill his water bottle

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