C A N I T A L K T O Y O U ?

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Millie's POV

My eyes slowly opened revealing the sun shining through my curtains. I was about to stretch when I noticed a presence around my waist, I shift around slowly and see a smiling face.

"Good morning." He smirks making grin and yawn.

"Good morning finnie." I smile about to give him a kiss on the cheek until a loud knock on the door interrupts me.

"Mills!" Maddie yells through the door

"Shit, shit hide in the closet." I whisper yell which he immediately follows

"One second I'm getting changed!" I yell and hear Finn snicker and mutter something under his breath before he closed the closet door.

I run over to the door and open it, putting on my best smile, trying to show I'm not nervous when in reality I am.

"Hey guys!" I smile

"Hey mills we were all going to hang out but we couldn't find Finn, so we were wondering if he was here with you?" Sadie smirks at me

"Finn with me? Why would I be with Finn...alone?" I chuckle, putting on my best act, I swear I could hear him laughing

"Because Finn has the biggest crush on you!" Gaten yells. I know Finn's blushing right now, which makes me smirk and laugh

"Does he now?" I ask a bit louder than usual which Sadie picks up on

"Who are you talking to mills?" Sadie asks, raising her eyebrows

"Me talking to someone? Sadie I think you've lost your mind. Who would be at my house right now?" I laugh nervously but she just pushes past me and steps into my room.

"See no one here." I smile dropping onto my bed

"Hmmmm fine. Meet us downstairs." She eyes me suspiciously before walking out of the room with everybody behind her and closing the door.

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Mills." He mutters into the crown of my head as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind, placing his hand on my stomach, making my skin gain goosebumps

"Finnie." I smile, feeling warm from the small gesture.

I look up and meet his eyes, I notice his eyes move to my lips, then back to my eyes.

"Go out the window." I smirk, wiggling out of his soft grasp

"Fine." He groans turning his back to me, but then turning back around to face me," oh and mills."

"Yeah?" I am cut off by soft lips connecting with my own, making me melt, I kiss back instantly, the kiss gets stronger but I stop him.

"Finn out the window, then knock the door." I smile making him groan. He walks over to the window, he puts one foot out the window but before he fully goes out he winks at me making me roll my eyes at the cute boy.

I get changed into an over sized white t-shirt and black leggings, I tie the shirt so it's like a crop top.

"Hello!" I smile leaning against the door, all my friends sitting in the living room.

"Hey mills, Finn came by!" Sadie smirks, I swear she smirks every time she mentions his name.

"Did he?" I ask 'surprised'

"Sure did." He smiles, still in his previous outfit, he looks me up and down and looks mesmerised, he bites his lip

"Good. What do you all want to do today?" I ask them

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