•but I do•

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Finn's POV
At waterfall

I've been at the waterfall for about 30 minutes because I came half an hour earlier than me and Millie's date. I came here early just to think, think of how much I love her. Wow

"Thinking?" Millie asks from behind me, startling me.

"Yeah." I reply finally looking up at her. She looks beautiful, she has no make up on and an over sized hoodie on.

"About?" She asks sitting beside me on the log I am currently sat on

"Nothing." I mutter still staring at her

"What? Is there something on my face?" She asks confused making me chuckle

"No mills you just look... beautiful." I truthfully say making her smile

"I love your smile." I say making her blush.

"You know that night on the balcony when I was drunk?" I ask her

"Yeah that was so funny you called me hot because you were drunk." She laughs

"I wasn't saying that because I was drunk mills, whenever you told me that I was like oh shit did I seriously admit to her that I thought she was hot." I smile looking into her eyes, she's profusely blushing by now

"You are the most important person to me Mills." I smile holding her hand standing up

"Why?" She asks

"Did you seriously just ask that question?" I laugh

"It's just you could make so many other girls smile and laugh but why me?" She asks looking down.

"It's because mills I only want to make you smile, I only want to see your smile that makes my heart want to explode, I only want to make you laugh, I always want to hear that laugh that is like a symphony to my ears, Millie I would choose you over anyone because I-I uh love you Millie Bobby brown, I love you so, so much." I say almost crying because how much I love this girl

I look and see a tear roll down her cheek, I quickly wipe it off with my thumb.

"Why are you crying?" I ask hugging her

"It's just because Finn Wolfhard I love you too. I love your smile, laugh, lips, personality, I just love everything about you Finn, the fact that you make me smile when I'm sad, how you always comfort me, how you hug me all the time and how amazing and sweet you are, how lucky I am to say that I love Finn wolfhard and that he loves me too." She starts crying but I softly kiss her on the lips for a very long time, not fast at all just slow and full of love.

"I love you Millie Bobby brown." A tear rolls down my cheek

"I love you Finn wolfhard." She smiles kissing me one more time

We both just lay there looking at the sun that was setting peacefully, the waterfall splashing against the river calmingly, it was just us two no one else, no jacob, no iris, just two peaceful teenagers that are in love and that's all I've ever wanted in my life, fuck money, fuck power I've always just wanted to be loved and to love someone and I couldn't of picked a better person to uncontrollably fall in love with, she's perfect, she's Millie Bobby brown.

This was a very short chapter because I have a history project due in tomorrow so pray for me


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