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Ok I'm quite conflicted right now so I want your opinion on it. Do you want more spice? Like I mean A LOT more, I'm talking holy water right now!


Do you want fluff and cuteness?

It's up to you, just comment

ALSO I have been working on a whole new book, I haven't published it but it's a Fillie book and it's called the BFF, if you want me to publish it I will if not...let's be real I'll probably still publish it😂

But for now enjoy the chapter! I love you❤️


Third person

"Millie please don't leave me!" Finn begged, wrapping his arms around her leg

"I'm not leaving right now dumbo, I have to leave in a couple days." Millie chuckles as Finn collects himself into a straight posture.

"I know but don't leave me, never again." Finn replies, wrapping her into a small hug making Millie smile

"I'm only leaving for a couple of weeks, maximum a month." She pecks his lips.

"A month? How am I supposed to survive?!" Finn whisper yells, burying his head into the crook of her neck, on the verge of tears

"Finn chill out it's only a month." Millie smiles wrapping her arms around his torso

"Yeah but what happens if some guy just steals you away from me?" Finn frowns at the thought

"Trust me Finn, I'm all yours, I love you so much and also you better keep all the girls that have a crush on you away from you or I will literally kill you." Millie laughs placing both of her hands on the sides of his face and pulling him into a passionate kiss, as his curls tickle her forehead making her giggle.

"I love you." Finn breathes out in heavy breaths, as he rests his forehead against her own.

"I love you too." Millie smiles kissing his cheek, keeping her position of being sat on his lap.

Millie's aunt Amiee was having a baby so Millie and her family had to fly over to England to be there for the birth, unfortunately she must say goodbye to Finn for a month and her friends.

They where both sat in Finns house just chilling out, talking about Millie going over to England.

Finn keeps staring at her with a lust filled gaze, he's absolutely mesmerised at the sight of her, especially the feeling of her on his lap... he lived for that feeling.

She rambled on about something he wasn't paying attention he was just looking at her lips the who time

"Finn are you even liste-"

He cuts her off. He kisses her lips forcefully wanting to feel her wet lips against his own, if he won't be able to feel the sensation of her kisses for a month he thinks he might go crazy, so it's time to savour thrm before She leaves for England.

She is above shocked at his force as she widens her eyes, but she soon kisses back with even more aggression.

She changes her position a bit so she's actually straddling him making, groan lightly. He wants the advantage.

She wraps her legs around his waist and he grabs her by the thighs bringing her into his bed room, roughly setting her down on his bed.

He's on top now and is viscously attacking her lips once again. He has one leg on her thigh, moving up and down and the other hand on her lower back.

She roughly turns him over so she's on top of him, sat on his lap once again, she kisses his neck up and down finding his soft spot making him grunt

He takes off his shirt almost stretching the fabric with the amount of force used against it.

He turns her over so he's on top again, she takes off her shirt so this makes Finns desire sky rocket, he wanted her before, but now he wants all of her and she wants all of him.

He was about to ask if she was ok with doing this because yes he always needed consent no matter what but that was interrupted by the door bell.

Finn keeps kissing her neck making Millie let out a few moans.

"F-finn." She stutters out as he keeps attacking her neck, he doesn't stop and god she doesn't want him too either but there's someone at the door right now

The doorbell is rung two more times making Millie tug on his curls so his lips would finally be detached from her soft, olive skin.

He groans loudly fixing his hair and putting his discarded shirt on, he still wants her right now but someone has to ruin it.

He checks he doesn't have any hickeys on his neck and luckily for him he doesn't, millie though that's a different story,

"Take this hoodie to cover up your neck." Finn hands her a hoodie and she gratefully takes it, slipping it on.

Finn lightly chuckles at how big it is on her but it makes her look very cute.

Finn goes down stairs and opens the door to find Sadie, grace and Maddie.

"Hi is Millie here?" Grace asks

"Nope." He replies, he still wants to spend time with Millie

"You've always been a horrible lier Finn." Millie says coming up behind him, making him groan

"Wait, we didn't interrupt a moment did we?" Sadie asks

"No." Millie smiles kissing Finn on the lips, basically teasing the boy, he was about to kiss back but she pulled away smiling at him.

"Bye Finn." Millie smiles walking out with the girls making him sigh and shake his head playfully at her teasing antics.

What has this girl done to him?

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