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Finn's POV
It's 8pm I guess I should get going to this stupid party at the Beckham's Household.

I just throw on a light blue shirt and black jeans with a black beanie to cover up the mess of curls which is my hair.

I walk out the door of my house and station myself  into my mustang, I turn on the ignition, Age of consent playing softly in the background.

I don't want to get drunk tonight but I might have a few drinks, I'm afraid Romeo will pull something on me if I'm drunk. We've always hated each other we just had the same 'friends' yeah right they aren't my friends, they never were.

After about a five minute drive I pull up to the house, hearing the loud music muffled by the walls of the house.

I walk through the door to see a bunch of teenagers dancing to the loud music, with the only light coming from the disco ball that hung from the ceiling.

I walk into the kitchen to see a game of beer pong in progress with Wyatt and Jaeden.

I walk in about to get a drink until someone starts to flirt with me

"Looking sexy puppysoft." Ashley flirts. The things that pisses me off is she's not even drunk and the thing that pisses me off even more is what she just called me.

"Go away Ashley we are done remember. Get that through your thick skull." I groan seeing her walk away angry.

I bump into someone to see it's Caleb. He smiles and hugs me.

"I'm glad you're not a fuck boy anymore man. Welcome back." He smiles drinking from his red solo cup.

"No thank you Caleb, thank all of you for giving me another chance I really need a friend right now." I smile but then the door opens and there she is.

My legs instantly start feeling like jelly, she looks so gorgeous oh my god

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My legs instantly start feeling like jelly, she looks so gorgeous oh my god. It felt like my heart was just punched to the back of my rib cage. I gulp down saliva my Adam's apple moving in the process.

"Oh i see." Caleb smirks

"What?" I ask reluctantly tearing my eyes away from the girl to meet Caleb

"You still like Millie." He smiles

"What?! No." I say looking back at her to see her hugging Romeo. Ugh get that scum bag away from her.

I clench my jaw out of anger as I see Wyatt kiss her on the lips making my blood boil. My heart ached agonisingly at the sight, it scares me how much I would trade to be in Wyatt's position.

"Yeah definitely ." Caleb smirks patting my back, before walking away.

I look at Millie and Wyatt is no where to be seen but she's with Romeo. Romeo alone with Millie is very bad. I was about to get Wyatt to go over and check on her but then I saw Romeo slip something into her drink. It looks like he's trying to roofie her. Not happening.

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