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Millie's POV
I woke up in only underwear and a bra.


I look to the left of me and see a certain shirtless wolfhard in a deep slumber, snoring.


I feel my head and it slightly aches but not as much as a hangover from alcohol, I must just be dehydrated. My mind is a bit foggy but I definitely remember that we did not do that. After we made out we just both went to sleep because the drug was wearing off. It was just a small little makeout session

I look down and see my discarded jeans lying on the floor with my phone on them, ok maybe it got a tiny bit heated.

I take the phone, almost falling off of the bed because I couldn't be bothered to actually get out of bed to get it so I just leaned off of it.

I clicked the side of the iPhone and read the time, 6am on a Tuesday. I guess we are skipping school today, all of them are going to have headaches because they didn't drink water last night, dumbasses.

I quietly get out of bed without making a sound so I don't wake the peaceful boy that lay beside me.

I slip on the discarded black jeans and white shirt that I wore yesterday. I quickly exit the room, pushing down on the handle of the door slowly so it doesn't creek.

I step out of the car and climb through the window to my room. I had just left Gatens so I can go change and be a nice friend and pick them all up Starbucks.

I step one foot through the window and then eventually push the other foot through making sure not to make a sound because Ava is sleeping and the baby sitter is downstairs. My mums working the night shift at the store and dad is on a business trip.

I go to my closet and pick out some clothes to wear. I slowly walk down the hallway to the bathroom to get a shower, I gotta pray that Blake the babysitter is deaf and won't here the shower running, but I definitely need one, I'm pretty sweaty especially from- never mind.

I stepped out of the shower with my hair dripping wet. I dry myself off and change into a light outfit because it's actually pretty warm outside today.

I just put in denim jean shorts, a black tank top and a white button up baseball jersey, I don't know what team it was for I got it in New York one day.

I towel dry my hair because using a hair dryer was definitely not an option, Blake may not have been able to hear the shower but she will definitely hear a hair dryer.

I brush my short, brown hair and put some concealer on. I throw on sunglasses and check my outfit, pretty good.

I carefully climb out my bedroom window and walk down the street to the parked car, I parked further down so the noise of the car starting does not disturb anyone, it is 7am after all.

I walk through the front door of the huge mansion with 6 Starbucks coffees in hand but split into two different cardboard holders.

I set the drinks on the kitchen island. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed six bottles of water because all of them are going to be dehydrated, probably should've warned them about that.

I go on my phone and notice it's 8 am, still quite early I wouldn't expect any of them to be up yet. Never mind here comes Sadie

"Millie." Sadie asks with a dry mouth, making me laugh lightly.

"Dehydrated red head?" I laugh handing her a bottle of icy cold water which she viscously grabs, she takes it all down in one quick swig before looking at me.

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