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Millie's POV
"YESS!" Noah yells because our chemistry class with Mr. Heaton is finally over. Chemistry with Mr. Heaton was so painstakingly boring that my stomach fumed with anger each time I thought about it.

"Calm down Schnapps." I laugh slinging the strap of my bag over my shoulder.

Noah smiles as we both run out of the classroom to Sadies locker, where we said we would all meet up later, we are all trying something new today.

"Sadie!" I shout running up to her locker, hugging her.

"Mills are you ready to try it?" Sadie asks anxiously

"Well I would be lying if I said I hadn't done it quite a few times before with Simon back in New York." I laugh seeing her shocked reaction

"You did weed with Simon?" She asks gasping.

"Yep." Just as I say that I feel two arms wrap around my waist from behind me, knowing exactly who it is, his touch igniting the fire in my stomach

"Hey guys." Finn says, hugging me tighter

"Hey puppysoft. Are you ready to do the drug?" I laugh tilting my head back so I can look up at him.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He smiles," what about you mills?" He smirks but Sadie releases a loud cough

"Well you see mills here has already done it." Sadie smirks at the two of us

"I didn't know I was dating a stoner." He gasps as I hit him on the chest.

"I didn't do it a lot only when I was stressed or sad." I reply shrugging.

"Hey sades." Caleb kisses her lips making me awe at the cute antics

"Cadie." I put a hand over my heart as Sadie rolls her eyes.

"Whatever where is curly haired gaten, he's the one with it?"

"Did someone call a chocolate pudding lover?" He smiles walking up to us with his arm around Maddies waist

"Yeah we did. Let's go to your house." Finn smiles still with his arms wrapped around my waist as if someone was about to snatch me away and he's holding onto me for dear god.


"Gaten I forgot how big your house was." I stare in awe at the house.

(If you've watched the kissing booth on Netflix, gaten house is like Noah and lee's house!🤣)

"I try not to brag." Gaten jokes opening the door to the house, the smell of cinnamon hitting my nose instantly.

We all walk into the room nearest the large pool that is situated out his back yard, a diving board about 3 meters of height towering over the blanket of water.

There is a larger window that stretches across the wall showing all of the backyard. It has a glass door that you slide to go outside.

It was about 5 pm so the sun was starting to set, it is almost Halloween after all so the air outside is quite crisp and cold, but still quite pleasant.

"Where you keep it matarrazo?" I ask

"In here." He takes out a bag of marijuana from a small box with a lock on it. Everybody looks excited and scared but I don't really mind this is like my 5th or 6th time doing it.

"How do you roll it into a joint?" He asks which makes me roll my eyes.

"Here." I huff setting the marijuana in the paper, rolling it up, getting the cardboard filter and setting it in the paper too before rolling it up, pressing down on it, to make sure it is secure.

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